Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weekly Geek 2011.14: An ABC Author List

Our Weekly Geek idea this week is to create an ABC favorite author list. That way, we don't have to think of just one favorite! Awesome!

Here's my list:

A: Jane Austen,  Isabel Allende, Laurie Halse Anderson
B: Julie Berry, all the Brontes, Bill Bryson
C: Suzanne Collins, Wilkie Collins, Ally Condie
D: Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, James Dashner, Bree Despain, Sarah Dessen
E: Simone Elkeles, Ann Dee Ellis
F: Cornelia Funke
G: John Green, Elizabeth Gaskell
H: Shannon Hale, Khaled Hosseini
I: John Irving
J: Maureen Johnson, Robert Jordan
K: Jeff Kinney, Stephen King
L: Lois Lowry
M: Robin McKinley, Stephenie Meyer, Angela Morrison, Brandon Mull, Juliet Marillier
N: Patrick Ness
O: Scott O'Dell
P: Mary Pearson, Michael Perry
Q: Sir Aurthur Quiller-Couch
R: Janette Rallison, J.K. Rowling
S: Brandon Sanderson, Neal Shusterman, Wallace Stegner
T: Megan Whalen Turner
V: Wendelin Van Draanen
W: Scott Westerfeld, Becca Wilhite, David Wroblewski
Z: Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Markus Zusak

Who would you put on your list?


  1. I was stumped on U and X as well. Good call on John Irving. I forgot to list him.

  2. Wow, that's a long list and probably took a lot of thought.

  3. What a great idea. I am thinking this would make a great Sunday afternoon activity.

    I participated in a survey that our local library offered this week. I filled out a 5 page questionnaire about my reading preferences and authors I liked and they submitted a customized reading list for me. It was 5 pages long! My husband thought I was kooky as I sit surrounded by stacks of unread books, but pshaw! One of the first authors they recommended was in your A column - Isabelle Allende!! I have never read her at all. They recommended Daughter of Fortune. Have you read that?

    This Easter morning is so different without little ones to search their baskets. I truly miss the chocolate bunnies for breakfast! Well...some may have followed me home from the store this week. I know, I'm weak!

    Thanks for the ideas...

  4. Great list. I loved this meme, although I couldn't fill in all the letters.

  5. Great list! I forgot about Irving too, I had a hard time with the I's. He's a better pick for me than Ishiguro because I've read and enjoyed many of his books. I haven't heard of all your picks, looks like some interesting ones. I'm impressed you have a Q.

  6. I looked at my author list... and the library website to help me remember authors!

    Inside: You will love Isabel Allande. I loved Daughter of Fortune.

  7. OMG_ I forgot Juliet Marillier off my list, how cool is she..

    X - was my stumbling letter - I cant think of an author for that letter..

    Have a great reading week...

