Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ongoing Readathon Updates

So my idea this time around is to update here, on the same post, all through the readathon, with the newest or most recent update at the top. We'll see if that works. Let me know if you like it or if it's bothersome.

Update Five Hour Ten: 3:26 p.m.
No way is it hour ten already! Sheesh! One hour until I'm off for a real break to go to a party!

What I’m reading now: Skellig by David Almond

How many page read since last update: 100

How many pages read total: 340

Books finished since last update: none, but I'm so very close with this one

How many minutes/hours read since last update: about 1 hour, maybe more

How many minutes/hours read total: 4 1/2 hours, maybe more

How many minutes/hours blogged since last update: none

What the family is reading: nothing

What we are listening to: Joshua Bell and Friends

What we are eating: tons of caramel popcorn, once you start, you can't stop!

Distractions: So, I had my first little nap. But it wasn't long. And I looked at TONS of tweets on my phone for awhile. And I texted my sister about working out with Wii Active2.... the normal distractions I suppose.

Mini Challenges: Book Club Suggestions, and In Other Words... I couldn't get two of them! Frustrating.

Visits Made: maybe I'll go do that now for a bit

Update Four Hour Eight 1:11 p.m.

Finished one book, started another, sent reading partner (12 year old Toto) to the first birthday party of the day. Got some fresh air, broke out the chocolate. Feel like playing more on the computer than reading. The snow has stopped. The day is still very very gray. 

What I’m reading now: Skellig by David Almond

How many pages read since last update: 50 or so

How many pages read total: 240

Books finished since last update: One book, If I Stay by Gayle Forman... I cried. Very touching and a little close to home after having lost our 36 year old BIL last year.. and having him in a similar way, and talking to him and begging him to stay. He chose not to, and we still wondering why. Dang... crying again.. :( Man... I need a happy book!!!!!

How many minutes/hours read since last update: This is when I start losing track and getting frustrated with keeping track! Umm.... I would guess about 45 min since last update

How many minutes/hours read total: 3 1/2 hours... sheesh, that's so bad....

How many minutes/hours blogged since last update: another 30 min. or so?

What the family is reading: nobody is reading with me, but college daughter is doing homework now! :)

What we are listening to: Chris Botti at the moment... sweet trumpet dude!

What we are eating: We have chocolate!

Distractions: My 12 year old reading partner has been distracting, yes. But now she off to the party. Several phone calls, a visitor, getting tired, etc. etc. etc.

Mini Challenges: Still none since last time, but I may go check out this book club one.

Visits Made: none really. I think it's either read, or visit. I can't seem to do both. Know what I mean?


Update Three Hour Six 11: 30 p.m.
Wow, the time is flying! I finally had a shower and am ready to read again for awhile, I hope. It's snowing like crazy. The birthday parties start in a couple of hours. I hope I can read in between them all.

What I’m reading now: Ummm... yep still If I Stay... almost done though...

How many page read since last update: 70

How many pages read total: 190

Books finished since last update: still none

How many minutes/hours read since last update: 1 hour

How many minutes/hours read total: 2 hours and 40 min.

How many minutes/hours blogged since last update: not much

What the family is reading: Toto's reading Shimmer still, and I just realized how similar in feel and theme our two books are.

What we are listening to: Mozart

What we are eating: caramel popcorn

Distractions: a shower! But it was nice.

Mini Challenges: None since last update.

Visits Made:None. I need to get out more.

Update Two Hour Five: 10:00 a.m.
Spent the whole of hour four making and eating waffles, and figuring out a book puzzle for the mini challenge. Come see if you can guess it really fast, because it's way easy.

What I’m reading now: If I Stay.... really liking it. Lots of musical stuff that I totally relate to.

How many page read since last update: 50

How many pages read total: 120

Books finished since last update: still none

How many minutes/hours read since last update: 40 min.

How many minutes/hours read total: 1 hour 40 min.

How many minutes/hours blogged since last update:30

What the family is reading: Toto is still on Shimmer. Stuey is probably finishing up The Blind Assassin at the moment, even though he not an official readathon participant!

What we are listening to: I'm going to start my random mellow music mix right now!

What we are eating: Ah, the waffles were wonderful. I feel so much better!

Distractions: waffles, mini challenges, desire for a shower

Mini Challenges: The Book Puzzle

Visits Made: A couple to check out other puzzles. Very fun!

Update One: Hour Three Begins.... Already?  8:10 a.m.
One thing about this whole thing, I really hate how fast it flies by!

What I’m reading now: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

How many page read since last update: 70

How many pages read total: 70

Books finished since last update: none yet

How many minutes/hours read since last update: 1 hour

How many minutes/hours read total: 1 hour
How many minutes/hours blogged: about 40 minutes worth so far. Gosh, you can spend a lot of time on the computer instead of reading!

What the family is reading: Toto just barely joined me this very second. She is reading Shimmer by Alyson Noel.

What we are listening to: nothing yet....

What we are eating: nothing yet... but I'm starving!

Distractions: I'm starving! Breakfast anyone? Also, I think a shower would be good to wake me up a bit.

Mini Challenges: I did the opening meme (see below) and have just added my place marker on the Where Are You Reading map. I stuck it right at my library (not my house, yes?) which I thought fitting.
Visits Made: not many yet, but I've Tweeted a bit!

A few minutes later:
1)Where are you reading from today? UTAH
2)Three random facts about me… I need a haircut, there's four birthday parties today, and I am already too tired.
3)How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? Eight
4)Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? Have fun! (I'd like to finish at least 2 books.)
5)If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time? Have fun!

Starting Line: 6:35 am.

I'm a bit late to the party! Forgot to set alarm to weekend mode! Went to bed WAY too late, so this could be interesting today. But I'm here now and ready to read!

What I’m reading now: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
What Toto is reading: Still sleeping at the moment.

What we are listening to: the furnace... yes, there's snow this morning...again.

What we are eating: nothing yet! Water maybe.

Distractions: Well, I feel the need for sleep!


  1. Have fun!

    (I definitely want to read If I Stay sometime soon. I'll be eager to hear what you think.)

  2. Keep at it, and definitely grab that shower and something decadent for breakfast . . . cinnamon roll, might I suggest?


  3. I just picked a random spot to post where I'm reading from. Should have thought of the library!

    I think I copied you on only doing one post and just updating it. SO much easier.

  4. I stole your fabulous idea and put my placemark on the Google Map at my library!

  5. We are tired here too---5:00 AM on a Saturday is a bit hard to handle. Breakfast and a shower are in my very near future!
    Happy Reading--

  6. It's really easy to get sucked into the computer -- I have to turn mine off when I'm trying to read. Happy read-a-thon!

  7. Sounds fun. I always want to join but the eating sounds like the REALLY fun part and I can't. :-( So enjoy some caramel popcorn for me.

  8. You are doing great! Happy reading!!

  9. The party’s starting to pop
    And you’re already having fun.
    Don’t let the momentum stop
    And get some reading done!

    Caramel popcorn. Yum!!!

    Hope you're enjoying your day Suey!

  10. You are doing great-- you picked 2 good books to start with.

    Enjoy your reading, and enjoy your chocolate :-).

  11. Congrats on finishing 240 pages! You're doing fantastic!

  12. Caramel popcorn...why didn't I think of that????
    Happy Reading (or partying),

  13. I've seen a lot of people doing these types of edited posts. It's a good idea!
