Thursday, March 3, 2011

Review: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Book: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: A
For: Fun
From: Borrowed from my sister who borrowed from my other sister, who knows the sister of the author! :)

Even though I've heard quite a bit about this book, I didn't really know what to expect. But what I got was a ton of fun! Maybe I was in the mood, but I loved it and thought it was equal parts funny, romantic and creepy.

It's the story of a girl, Evie, who has been raised as a paranormal hunter of sorts... a Buffy type even. (I don't know... I have yet to understand/watch/warm up to Buffy!) She was rescued as a small foster child by this organization that tracks down all sorts of strange creatures and "neutralizes" them, then finding ways to make them useful. Evie, knowing nothing else her whole life, finds this all to be perfectly normal. Her best friend is a mermaid, her teacher is werewolf , her ex-boyfriend is a faerie and she deals with creepy vampires all day long.

The thing that's interesting about Evie is that she has a special talent that allows her to see beneath the glamors each paranormal hides behind. To her, vampires are not the sexy suave confident creatures everyone else sees, but a dead corpse. Werewolves can't hind their yellow eyes, and faeries are indescribably beautiful and extremely dangerous.

One day, a new creature is caught infiltrating their compound and Evie is baffled by his nearly invisible true appearance. His glamor is that he can "wear" anyone he wants... including Evie herself. After he arrives, things get interesting in more ways than one and Evie's whole idea of who she is and what she's been doing her whole life is completely thrown out the window.

Ah, this is an awesome fun take on the whole paranormal phenomenon! I loved it! And with new creatures that I've never read about before. I loved the imagination and uniqueness, the humor, the creep factor, the tricky romance... all of it.

Bottom line: I loved it!

Other Reviews:

Alison's Book Marks
Bloggers Heart Books
He Followed Me Home... Can I Keep Him?
... and tons of others!


  1. Sounds like something I would totally enjoy! Going to add it to my never-ending TBR list, lol.

    Check out my Thinking on Thursday post. I think you'll enjoy the topic :)

    Mandy @ Embrace Your Oddities

  2. This is one I HAD to buy but is still just sitting on my shelf unread. Maybe NOW I'll read it sooner rather than later.

  3. I loved this one too! It was SO good! :)

  4. I haven't read this one yet, but I have a preview of it on my Kindle, and will be reading that soon. You made it sound so good, though! I think I'll really like it. :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I answered your question there, but just in case: I fell in love with Ren, *swoon* and never found any qualities I liked in Shay. I usually like both guys in love triangles, but this time, I didn't and it caused serious problems in my reading. :)

  5. I am glad you liked this one because I have it on hold at the library. Just waiting my turn!

  6. Ooh, I bought this recently and have it on my pile to read soon! Really looking forward to it :)

  7. A fresh take on the paranormal world - that sounds great. I am putting on my list.
