Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Reading Recap

Here's the books I read this month, the last one being mere minutes ago!

Wither by Lauren Destefano: Rhine finds herself kidnapped and forced to become a sister bride to wealthy boy in order to make babies so his father can figure out what's gone wrong with this world's genetic engineering.

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls: The author tells a tale of childhood neglect that will make you rejoice in her eventual escape.

Beyonders: A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull: Jason and Rachel are sucked into the world of Lyrian where they work together to overthrow the evil Emperor.

 Mr. Monster by Dan Wells: John Wayne Cleaver struggles to hold at bay the evil monster within himself.

 No Going Back by Jonathan Langford: Paul comes out as gay in his Mormon culture and is forced to deal with the consequences.

 I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak: Ed gets mysterious cards in the mail and learns how to live outside his own problems by helping others.

 Room by Emma Donoghue: Jack and his ma have lived in a single room all his life, until things begin to change when he turns five years old.

 My Jane Austen Summer by Cindy Jones: Lily escapes the sadness of her life by going to England to participate in a Jane Austen literary festival and hopefully fulfill her dreams of living in a novel.

Favorites of the month: Room for sure, followed by The Glass Castle... and my re-read of I Am the Messenger. They were all good though!

Plans for April:
  • Finish Lord of Chaos, ASAP, because I'm having YA cravings that I need to address
  • Read Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie for book club
  • City of Bones! Once and for all!
  • Read The Pun Also Rises for a TLC book tour late in the month
  • Finish up the Chaos Walking trilogy with Monsters of Men
  • See what all the fuss is about The Name of the Wind
  • Figure out something small, quick and easy to read during the readathon
Here's to a new month of reading! What are your plans?


  1. Wow and Wow! I'm always astounded at how much you get read.

    I just asked Jenny where to get the book for book club this month she said to ask you if you have copies of it. So do ya, huh?

    Would I be welcome? I'm a teensy bit outspoken.

  2. Susan: Of course you'd be welcome! That would be fun. Outspoken is good. And yes I have more copies... come get one! :)

  3. You read a lot this month! I feel like I didn't get anything read. It's not true but it feels like it. I think it was all the Markus re-reads. Guilty pleasure and all that! Well, maybe not so guilty.

  4. Impressive. I'm on my second book for the month. . .
