Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Thief Winner Announced! (And other stuff)

Congratulations goes to Josanna as my Book Thief winner! Her number was chosen for me by We've already exchanged emails and so she will be getting this book signed to her by the very man himself. Yes! And I will mail that out first thing next week.

Other business:

I'm signing up to do the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon on April 9th. It appears we'll just be hanging out that day anyway, so why not read, right? Come join us! It truly is a blast!

Also, it's time for Carl's Once Upon a Time challenge. Read a fantasy, fairy tale, myth or folklore. I like to try one of each, which means I'll be doing Quest the Second, but we'll see how that goes. It's another thing that's way fun to do, so come join us there too!

Then, there's Armchair BEA happening again! I think it's going to be an INSANELY crazy week for me that last week of May, but I will hope to do some of the activities planned. What fun we had last year. It's just about as good as going to NY for the real live thing.

Anything else I'm forgetting? How about a song stuck in my head? I've been thinking about The BeeGees this week. I think it's because my son hauled out our records, as in real records, and then hooked up the record player, which yes still works, and started playing our old albums.  One of them was the first album I ever bought, Saturday Night Fever, when I was in 6th grade. Love the BeeGees, all their songs, but this is the one I've been listening to a lot this week. I expect you all to get up and dance!


  1. Yes --I will be joining you with the read-a-thon and Once Upon a Time Challenge. The Bee Gees? LOVE them. I am listening to your clip as I type this,and I am instantly transported back to high school. My boys just crack up hysterically when they here them--the first time they asked me what was wrong with their voices! :)

  2. I was hoping a fellow BeeGees fan would step forward. Yay for Kim!! :) I love their voices! Even though I'm really a deep, low voice lover. Weird.
