Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Book Club Randomly Discussed Books: March

Here's what we "randomly discussed" at book club this past week. I find it interesting that some of the books get talked about over and over again at each gathering as everyone takes a turn reading them! Fun!

Julie read and reported that she enjoyed these books:

The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen: this one brought on the discussion of "what is magic realism"... something that is quite interesting to try and define.

Kim read and reported that she enjoyed these books:

The Help by Kathryn Stockett: this was for her other book club
Precious Bane by Mary Gladys Meredith Webb: this is the book she recommended to friends and was seriously baffled when they didn't like it. She LOVES this book and Melissa seconded that she agrees and loves it too.
Across the Universe by Beth Revis: this book is getting a lot of blogger buzz and attention lately

Suey and Jessica A. both read this book recently and found it very fascinating:
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Jenny is also currently reading it.

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare: random discussion on this book just happened I think. Mixed reviews from all around. Suey still anxious to read and see what she thinks once and for all.

Jenny read these books and liked them both okay:

Mistwood by Leah Cypess: she wished for a different/better ending.

Bethany read these books:

Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban: based on Julie's rave review
Birthmarked by Caragh M. O'Brien: says to wait until sequel is out in Oct/Nov so you can read them both at once

Melissa reported on these books:

Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool: says it's really interesting, but kids won't get it
Diary Queen by Catherine Gilburt Murdock: compared this one to this one:

Alisa read Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite and wanted encouragement to finish because she got to "I'm off to the Mormon school" part and got bugged.

Jessica N. read Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay: says there are hard parts, but she just reminded herself... this is not real.

Suey read Mr. Monster by Dan Wells: says it's good intense horror! But don't let your kids read!

We also talked a bunch about the fun Brandon Mull launch party for Beyonders which Suey has read, and recommends. Fun book.


  1. Boy, do I long to discuss books in "real" life! Reading this, I've made up my mind: I'm starting a book club. I'll advertize in the local paper and see what happens.

  2. Megan, you could also try checking at the library or bookstore... or at least advertising there too. Good luck! I hope it works out! Keep us updated on your blog.

  3. I loved I am Not a Serial Killer, can't wait to read Mr. Monster, soooo good.

    I really enjoyed Glass Castle also.

    Great list.

    I am considering The Help

  4. I just finished Moon Over Manifest and agree with Melissa. I'm not sure kids would get it. I liked though.

  5. Yeah, some book recommends that I have not heard of. I can't wait for summer and more time to read, rather than do report cards!!! Darn that day job!

    Thanks for sharing. This is a great plus. It's like having two book groups :)

  6. I enjoy these posts. From one post where you talked about books that others had mentioned, I bought terribly twisted tales and am currently reading it. Very different so far... :)
