Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blogging.... Four Years Later! And a Give Away!

Wow, have things ever changed in the past four years! When I started blogging (book blogging I should say, since I had been doing a personal one at Yahoo 360 for a year by then) I had no idea what a meme was, or an ARC, or anything about numbers/stats/followers, or that there was such a thing as a blog tour, or that there were even very many other book bloggers. I went into it very very clueless. The only thing I knew was that there were challenges, which is one reason I finally started the blog. But that was about it.

But I was excited! I knew this was going to be a blast and that it was something I would love. Four years later, I still love it and hope that it truly will be a life long thing for me. I love the creative outlet that it is. I love that there's a place to let loose my book passion full on and not feel too weird about it. I love the connections I've made and will hopefully continue to make. All those things keep me going.

Things haven't really changed too much around here. I started out with a pretty boring basic blogger look (wow they have some fun ones now!) and then I finally added a picture after about a year and this is what that
header used to look like. That lasted about a year before changing to the look I have now. I wonder when I'll change the next? I don't see it happening for awhile. And if you're interested in some of my favorite posts over the years, I have it's own page here.

So, to look back, I've come up with...surprise surprise... a list.

Top Ten Blogging Moments... So Far

1. When I got my  first comment  by Lisa of Books. Lists. Life. It came three days after I posted my welcome post. She said, on my All Time Favorite List post "What a great idea for a blog post! I might have to steal it."

2. The day I realized I had subscribers. I think when I discovered this, it was over a year after starting my blog, and I had 26 subscribers. I thought that was the coolest thing ever! (Now days when some of you start a blog you have 26 subscribers within minutes!)

3. My first author comment! I'm pretty sure this was by local author J. Scott Savage when I did a post about book fair, and mentioned Fablehaven, and he said his new book, Farworld, was similar. I was so excited! An author commented!

4. That comment actually led to my first blog tour, featuring Farworld and J. Scott Savage. I was thrilled to participate. While I'm not a huge blog tour person, I really enjoy doing them now and then.

5. The first day an unsolicited ARC came in my mailbox, I was freaking out! Right there on the padded envelope it said "Suey- It's All About Books" as if I was a real live important thing. And how did they get my name? And did they REALLY think I had any influence in the reading world? Wow! I was amazed and over the moon excited!

6. The first time I had, like, tens of comments on one post! (I remember this being on my "Lurkers! Delurk! post... 38 comments.) This does not happen very often, even still, but now and then it does and the first time it happened, I was again freaking out. Fun fun stuff, comments.

7. Then came the day we had our first Utah blogger party and I meet bloggers in person for the first time. That was nearly two years after I had started blogging. Oh, that was a scary thing to do. But wow, I'm so glad I went. I'm so glad Natasha was brave enough to do it. I'm so glad for the friendships it has created.

8. Before blogging, I don't remember going to author signings. Now that I've started, I can't seem to quit! The first one I really remember was Brandon Mull, after he had been to our elementary school that morning. Wow, that was a crazy line. And isn't it fitting that I went to his big launch party just last night?

9. My first big blogger event. Wow, there were LOTS of other book bloggers! And participating in these awesome events was a turning point. I think my first one was the first BBAW in September of 2008. I couldn't believe the amount of bloggers... and what's happened since then? There's like a gazillion more.

10. About two years into blogging, I started my first feature... The Bookword Game. It was a joint effort with Raidergirl3 of An Adventure in Reading. We've stopped for now, but it was fun while it lasted.

Wow, what fun it's been! And will continue to be I'm sure.

Now, to celebrate further, I'm having a give away. A SIGNED COPY OF THE BOOK THIEF!!! I hope this gets you all excited as much as it does me, and that lots of you will be interested! Below please find the entry form. I will choose a random winner in just over a week, on Thursday March 25. I will announce the winner here on Friday March 25... then get it signed on Saturday March 26... and hopefully mail it out that day. I'm going to be brave and say that international entries are welcome! I don't care if you follow or spread the word or whatever... that's all up to you.

But... I would LOVE a comment! Just for fun (not required for the giveaway entry.) That can be your "present" to me! Here's some questions for you if that makes commenting easier:

1. If you're a blogger, what's your favorite blogging memory so far?
2. Do you and I have some sort of blogging connection or common memory? If so, describe.
3. Have you read The Book Thief? If so, what did you think?
4. Who's YOUR favorite author?


  1. I love that you did a top ten list for your blogiversary post, so fitting for your blog! Happy blogiversary!

  2. Congratulations on four years. This is a great post! My favorite blogging moment was when I started getting comments from people that I'd not met.

  3. Congrats! I'm a wanna-be blogger but I'm still doing my "research"! I did enjoy your Top 10 list because now I know what I can look forward to.

  4. WooWee! 4 years? Now I'm really disappointed I didn't make it to the book blogger party because I especially like connecting with the book people who stick around.

    1) Monday Memoirs was especially fun for me personally.
    2) You gave me a shout out once for being the only one who commented on one of your kid's posts. I remember being surprised no one else had.
    3) I have not read The Book Theif, but I've heard good things.
    4) I have a few, but CS Lewis is the obvious. Also JK Rowling and Shannon Hale.

    Happy 4th!

  5. Wow, I spelled thief wrong. My spell check (the one in my brain) has been off for a couple of weeks.

  6. Congrats!!! Four years is impressive. Favorite blogging memory: The first time time I received a great comment and realized that a book blog meant great book dialogue.
    Have you read The Book Thief? - I literally gasped at your giveaway. The Book Thief is one of my top 5 favorite books of all-time. I just re-read it this year and I love everything I've read of Zusak's. Favorite author: I love Jane Austen, Douglas Adams, Roald Dahl, Neil Gaiman and Carols Ruiz Zafon.

  7. First of all CONGRATS!!

    I am fairly new to blogging and I remember that your blog was one of the first I followed because I liked it so much :-)) !

  8. congrats on 4 Years! what a great blogiversary post, too!

    I remember getting my first author comment: Jimmy Gownley (of the comic books Amelia Rules!), he politely wrote, "Thanks so much for all the kind words! I really appreciate you taking the time to discuss my work." I was very thrilled and immediately re-read the post to review how I sounded. I still do this when an author comments.

    I learned of Ibeeg/Deanna at Polishing Mudballs because of you, and I am grateful, she has become a good blogosphere friend. so thank you for that introduction.

    Blessings on many more fun and creative years blogging.

    L (from omphaloskepsis)

  9. So how do you get a blog going? Mine's not getting anywhere! Maybe its deathly boring and I don't know it. Need advice!

  10. I tweet brought me to your blog, and I like what I see. This is such a sweet post.

    Happy Blog Birthday!

    I'm currently reading The Book Thief, but I'd so love a signed copy. This book is gem.

  11. Congratulations on your 4th blogoversary! :) That's really exciting and you've had a lot of fun blogging moments!

  12. Congrats on 4 years! I follow a lot of book blogs but am one of those people who don't usually comment. I have really enjoyed yours -- I think we have similar tastes in books! I always like to hear about what other people are reading and recommending.

    I have read The Book Thief awhile ago and thought it was a great story -- I think it was one of the few books that made me cry. I only remember wishing that some of the language had been toned down a bit.

  13. Happy Blogiversary to you, and many more!

    As for your questions:
    1. If you're a blogger, what's your favorite blogging memory so far?
    I don't think I can name just one, but if I made a list, I'm pretty sure several of the times I've met other bloggers in real life would be on it!

    2. Do you and I have some sort of blogging connection or common memory? If so, describe.
    Our blogs were born on the very same day :-D! How cool is that?

    3. Have you read The Book Thief? If so, what did you think?
    Not yet - it's been on my TBR stack for months, though!

    4. Who's YOUR favorite author?
    That's another question with more than one answer :-).

  14. Happy Blogiversary!
    I have read The Book Thief twice and I think Zusak is a genius!!

  15. Congrats!!
    I haven't read The Book Thief (yet).

  16. Congratulations on 4 wonderful years, Suey - I think I've been subscribing to your blog almost from the beginning!!

  17. Happy Blogoversary, what an accomplishment. :-)

    I love all the lists you have on your sidebar.

    I have Book Thief but haven't read it yet, I so need to.

    Heres to many more years of great blogging and tons of amazing reading days and nights.

  18. I am embarrassed to say I still have not read this. I know -- for shame.

    What I love about blogging is the tremendous support out there for writers and the reading community.

  19. Ha! And here I just said I didn't think I was here for the beginning in your one question poll! I have such a bad memory, but it sure did seem like you've been around longer than I have. Congrats on the anniversary!

  20. Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Haaaaaaappy Anniversary!

    I'm so glad that you and your blog are here!!

  21. Way to blog! This post totally felt like all my top tens too (realizing that I had "followers" was another one for me).

  22. Congrats on 4 years - what a huge milestone! And your list of other milestones brought such smiles to my faces!

  23. Congratulations, Suey!! Four years is huge. And I love reading everything you post. I think I've been a subscriber for about three years. And now we know each other in person.

    I didn't sign up for the giveaway, since, thanks to you, I'll have my own signed copy here soon. But it's a great prize.

  24. Oh my gosh! Happy blogiversary! How exciting. I love all of your blogging memories :) And how much has happened to you that came from blogging - the events and the author signings and blogger parties :) Such fun.

    As for your questions: I'm not sure what my favourite blogging memory is so far :( I remember seeing my subscription number the first time which was wonderful (it was 19!) but sadly after I switched to new blog domain, that high number I had went away.

    I loved it when I started getting regular comments. From the same people who actually returned to hear my thoughts!

    I remember getting my first email from a publisher with a review request for me!

    Do you know, I've not read The Book Thief :( I always mean to, especially as I love the other three books of Markus Zusak's that I've read. I've just not quite gotten around to reading it yet. I was considering it this summer though.. Depending on other commitments :(

    Anyway, sounds like you've had a really wonderful 4 years and I hope it's the start of many more to come!

  25. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary! That's a definite milestone. Here's to many more!

  26. Thanks for all the sweet comments everyone!

    Wordlily: Happy Blogiversary back at ya!

    Teresa: Comments are so fun, yes!

    Laura: I hope you soon us soon. Come on in!

    Michelle: Yes, I remember that review that my daughter did! Thanks again for commenting! :)

    Avid: I'm glad to hear you gasped! I think it's pretty cool too!

    Birgit: Thank you!

    Kailana: You were my second commenter back four years ago!

    L: I'm so glad you and Deanna are having a great connection too!

    Cleanbooks: Advice.... comment a lot, participate in blogging events (like the readathon, Armchair BEA coming up) participate in memes... until you find a groove, then pick and choose your favorites, be consistent in blogging, let yourself shine through and be personal... those are the main things I'd suggest! Good luck. I'll come visit!

    Bee: I hope you are loving your current read!

    Jenni: THANKS!

    Gayle: Thanks for commenting.. glad you enjoy it here.

    Florinda: Oh my word.. READ THE BOOK THIEF! :)

    Shelley: He IS a genius. Love it.

    Kulsama: Thanks for visiting. I hope you read it soon.

    Wendy: I know you were one of the first blogs I started reading.

    Marce: Glad you enjoy the lists. I always wonder...

    Caroline: Bloggers do love to support writers. So fun.

    Lisa: Ha.... that is funny!

    Inside: Ah, thank you! You are awesome!

    Melissa: You aren't too far behind me, right? Almost four years too?

    Amused: It was fun to look back. Thanks!

    Jessica: It really has been fun to become IRL friends.

    Clover: I say to you like I said to Florinda... READ IT NOW!! :)

    Mouse: Thank you and here's to many years of blogging for you too!

  27. Well, I hope you know that I think you're an amazing blogger. I also feel lucky to be able to say that you're a great person, too, because I'm lucky enough to know you in the real world.

    The first Utah Book Blogger party is probably one of my best blogging memories. That first one was so new, so scary, but also so exciting. Every one since then hasn't been so scary because I've always told myself, "Relax, you know Suey and Natasha will be there."

    Jason F. Wright was the first author to comment on my blog and it was on a not so stellar review of "Christmas Jars". He was very nice though.

    I really enjoyed "The Book Thief" and I should probably be going to the signing myself but I can't make it that day.

    Happy Blogiversary!

  28. Happy Anniversary! We started at practically the same time - my first blog post was the end of Feb, 2007, but I thought you had been around for ages when I met you. thanks for including me on your top ten list. The Book Word Game was a lot of fun, and we came up with a lot of great words.

    Blogging highlights for me?
    Meeting booklogged in Charlottetown; and pretty much any contact off-blog, like with you.

    I'm so excited for you to meet Marcus Zusak.

  29. The Book Thief is one of my top five favorite books of all times. My copy is marked and underlined until you can barely see the original text. I love this book. And sadly, I won't be in Utah when Mark Zusak comes to Provo. He has to come the one weekend I won't be in town. I'll be in New York, watching my favorite team in the world, the Argentine Futbol team, and hopefully catch a good shot of the best player in the world, Leo Messi. I guess I can't have everything, right? But at least I might get lucky and win this contest. If not, thanks for the opportunity anyway.
    And congrats on your fourth anniversary! How cool is that!

  30. Well now, didn't I let the ball drop this week? I have not been reading blogs hardly at all this week so I did not realize it is your blog anniversary! Congrats! I am 100% seriously glad that you are a blogger; love your post, but more importantly, I am glad for your friendship.

    Have I read The Book Thief? Nope. What's wrong with me? :)

    Favorite author of mine? you know my answer? :O) Quizzing you right back. LOL
    This though has me thinking, I don't know who your favorite author is. Who is it?

  31. Happy blogiversary! :)

    I started on Yahoo 360, too. Boy, that was ages ago! ;)

    My favorite blogging memories involve BEA...and the switch from Blogger to WordPress.

    I think it's great that you're giving away The Book Thief. That's one of my all-time favorites.

  32. happy blogiversary! I'm not sure if I've ever commented, but this post seems like as good of a time as any. Four years is awesome.

    To answer your question: Yes, I have read and loved!! The Book Thief. I used to live by and use the library he is visiting and I am so very jealous that he is there now.

  33. Happy blogiversary! I started blogging a bit before you and can't help but agree with how much it has evolved and changed in that time!

  34. LOL! I just noticed my goof in the form above YES and YES... why did no one tell me!!! :)
