Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books to Movies

Today the Top Ten Tuesday list prompt over at the Broke and the Bookish is to share some of our favorite books to movies. I have quite the list, so I've decided to divide my list in half....well actually... that is... to DOUBLE my list!

Movies Made from Classics/Regency Period Books

1. Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth version)
2. Wives and Daughters (crazy ending!)
3. North and South (best ending ever!)

What Mr. Armitage thinks of North and South:

4. The Forsyte Saga (intense drama)

5. Middlemarch
6. Bleak House
7. The Way We Live Now
8. Sense and Sensibility
9. Jane Eyre (Timothy Dalton)
10. Wuthering Heights (I can't remember what version)

Other Movies Made From Books

1. The Princess Bride (one of my favorite movies of all time)

2. Chocolat (though I've not read the book and have no idea if the movie is a good match)
3. Lord of the Rings (awesome job with this one)
4. Anne of Green Gables (practically perfect)
5. Harry Potter
6. Twilight
7. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (I sobbed in this movie!)

8. The Kite Runner
9. Gone With the Wind
10. Holes (haven't seen it? Then you must fix that!)

What are your favorite books to movies?


  1. Bridget Jones' Diary!

    Also, Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, and The Green Mile. Have you read much Stephen King?

    Great list - def agree with Holes, HP, Anne of GG

  2. Good idea on doubling your list. Unfortunately, I only came up with 8 for my list, so I couldn't double mine.

    This top ten list has made me realize that I really need to read and watch more of the classics. I'm missing out on a lot!

  3. Wow! you've been on a blogging roll! I've been without internet for way too long, so I'm just catching up now. Sounds like you had fun at LTUE and it's OK that you're just a reader. You're right, writers do need readers.

  4. I love this top ten tuesday idea - i'm definitely going to have to alternate teaser tuesday and top ten tuesday now. I would say that my favorite book to movie is High Fidelity. It's a great book, and the movie is absolutely hilarious. Gotta love John and Joan Cusack! If you are a music lover, you should definitely read the book and watch the movie.

    Embrace Your Oddities
