Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Welcome February!

My thoughts once again, as recorded on Saturday night:

Outside my window: It's dark. And cold, but not as cold as earlier this week. And there's not much snow like some of you may be dealing with!

I am listening to: Si Volvieras a Mi by Josh Groban, speaking of love songs... oh boy. This is an intense one! (The above link is the only one I could find on YouTube with Josh himself singing... but it's set to New Moon clips, so beware.)

I am watching: Merlin on Hulu... my new discovery. Did I ever tell you how much I love the whole Arthur thing? Yeah, well. I do. A lot.

I am thinking: Is it February already? And was it really 16 years ago I gave birth to kid number 3?

I am grateful for: IHOP which provided dinner for us this evening in the form of wonderful omelettes.

I am reading: Oh, boy. I'm all over the place with reading right now! Today I concentrated on I Am Number Four... earlier this week I read A Madness of Angels... and I lied last week... I haven't been concentrating much at all on finishing The Way We Live Now. And I have new books I'm now anxious to get to. Ah, the never ending story!

I am photographing: Ummm... I took a picture of the birthday kid this week. Or, at least somebody did.

I am listing: My favorite love stories to post sometime this next week. And it's hard, and it's making me crazy.

I am creating: Wow, I really wish I could report something here. I need to create more. I need to finish cleaning up my messy "craft" room so I can get those scrapbooks done and make quilts again.

On my iPod: music! Lots and lots of music! I haven't listened to a podcast forever. And I haven't figured out how to get an audio book on there yet either.

To live my faith: I plan on helping my mom and dad out next week by staying with my grandparents overnight so they (mom and dad) can go visit my brother. It will be an adventure! And it will make me, once again, appreciate my grandparents and their legacy.

I am hoping and praying: that quitting Curves this past week won't end up being a bad thing for my fight against fat. Ugh, but I was sick of going instead, I will figure out things to do at home. And I WILL do them!

Around the house: I am wishin' and hopin' for new carpet in the bedrooms. But how does one even DO that? Logistically speaking I mean?

From the kitchen: There's really not much going on. A lot of meat and potatoes... and breakfast for dinner at least once a week.

One of my favorite things: Using an Amazon gift card (which I got doing a survey at Josh Groban's website by the way!) to get FOUR new books! Yes, I bought stuff you all suggested this last week on this post. Now, if I could just read all day long and really truly worry about nothing else. If only if only.

The children this week: As mentioned, kid#3 (Moder as he is known sometimes here) turned 16. The driver's license place was closed on Friday, so we will be getting his license on Monday. Oh this is madness! Kid #4 (Toto) has to do her science fair display... if you'll remember this is the one on doing stomach crunches!

Plans for the week: I can't even think what's happening this week! A niece birthday party to go to, a crazy upcoming Saturday to figure out, work at the library to do without a computer (it broke last week and I'm not sure I'll have a new one yet), books to read. Oh, and I hope to start helping figure out the next Utah Book Blogger Bash! I think it's in the works again! And I think our Utah Book Bloggers list has doubled yet again!

On this date: Last year on this very Saturday, we did some good author stalking which I reported on in this post. This makes me sad, because all those authors and more were at it again today, at the very same place and I didn't go! What was I thinking? It was a very boring day today and we should have gone! Ha! Two years ago I did a list on "how to run a book fair!" Sorry to say, I'm happy to not have to do that again. But if you ever need to... you can check out my list see how I did it! Oh cool, three years ago, we were in the middle of The Complete Jane Austen on PBS! Wow, now THAT was fun! (I'm loving these looking back tidbits.)

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. Hopefully that love story list doesn't make you too crazy, I'm looking forward to seeing it! =)

  2. My third one turns 16 soon and I'm so glad she has yet to even get her learner's permit. The stress of having another driver on the road is more than I can handle! Good luck with that!

  3. My #4 kiddo is almost 15.5 which is when you can get your permit here in WA state. I am so not ready to do this driving thing again! 'Thankfully this is the last time. It is great once they actually get that license though! Hope you get next Saturday figured out and have a great week.

  4. I'm hoping to read I Am Number Four before it gets to the theater, but there's quite a hold list at the library.

  5. You are "creating"!! You're creating memories, dreams, relationships...Remember Elder Uchtdorf's talk!!

    I am curious about I am Number Four as I saw it at a bookstore in Texas this weekend. I don't know anything about it - keep us posted on your progress and wow us with one of your thoughtful reviews!! I myself took the day off after 5 days at USAF Basic Training graduation. I was planning on just reveling in reading but the washing machine decided to break so today I am visiting the laundromat!! Oh well, I'll take a book!

    Have a great week!

  6. I love Merlin, too! What a great show. Thinking about it now makes me want to get on Hulu and watch all the episodes again.
