Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Life Goes On, Obladi Oblada

Outside my window: There's snow, sadly. I'm okay if it decides to be spring now, any day.

I am listening to: Nothing at the moment. It's a quiet Sunday morning. Everyone is sleeping in. I "read" in! Love it!

I am watching: Oh man I only have two more Merlin episodes to watch and then I have to search and scour the internet for Season Three! THEN, once I'm caught up, I may start watching it live. What a concept. Tonight is the Academy Awards. Perhaps I'll watch that too. But that's still up in the air.

I am thinking: that I should go eat breakfast and get ready for this day!

I am grateful for: a fun sister who gets my weirdness, because she is plagued with the very same curse! Oh but I got some funny texts from her this past week! I told her she needed to watch Robin Hood ( the BBC series of course) and now she is cursing me. I knew it! I knew she would fall in love! Yep. Can't wait for her reaction to the rest of the series. :)

I am reading: Yesterday morning I finished The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope.... finally! Whew. And then I started Paranormalcy by Kiersten White, which I finished this morning. Loved it! And now what should I start? I want to read Wither before it comes out, and I also got the new Brandon Mull book this past week, Beyonders, and so I need to read it before it comes out. PLUS, it's seriously time for more Rand and Mat and Perrin (I hope Perrin anyway) AND my husband is just now starting Monsters of Men, which I haven't even read yet either, so that's killing me. Plus I promised I'd read No Going Back before March is over, then there's Persuasion sitting here begging for a re-read before I see the play in a few weeks. Plus These is My Words for book club, also begging for a re-read. PLUS shouldn't I re-read ALL of Markus Zusak's books before seeing him in... oh.. ONE MONTH from now! :)  Hmmmm.... where to start?

I am photographing: hmmm... well, I can't think of a thing that I took a picture of this week.

I am listing: books I read this month for a wrap up blog post tomorrow or Tuesday.

I am creating: a birthday party for daughter Toto, sort of. She will do most of the creating I think. But I will supervise. She turns 12 in a few weeks and there's going to be a party!

On  my iPod: I've been listening to my random favorites playlist a lot this week. Some songs I remember were: Sleepwalker by Adam Lambert, Supermassive Black Hole (live version) by Muse, The Mummers Dance by Loreena McKennitt, I Don't Wanna Cry by Jason Castro, Forever Autumn by The Moody Blues, Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke.

I am hoping and praying: that lots and lots of Utah bookish types come to the party next Saturday. Please?

Around the house: I haven't done anything interesting. I still need to work on the junk shuffle project, but it seems to have come to a dead stand still.

From the kitchen: I just put in the crock pot for today's dinner... round steak smothered in Panda Express Mandarin Sauce. Doesn't sound too bad does it? We haven't baked anything for awhile either. Cookies later perhaps? This week I also made this yummy soup that Kristina posted. Wonderful!

One of my favorite things: Blasting music in the car, with all the windows down. Can't wait for it to be warm enough to really do that again.

The children this week: They kept things busy as usual. Nothing too out of the ordinary that's worth reporting. A violin recital, a hair cut for the long haired kid, lots of homework, helping in the 6th grade class, etc. Just life.

Plans for the week: buy birthday presents, promote the blogger party, plan the birthday party, take Toto to get 7th grade shots! Ah, THAT should be fun.

On this date: In 2008 we met Brandon Mull... hopefully this month we'll get to go to one of his famous launch parties. In 2009 I recapped books read for the month and only read five. My favorite that month was probably All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy. Last year around this date I did a thought stream. It was quite fun. I should try it again sometime. What do you think?

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. You're going to go see the PERSUASION play? Me too!!

  2. I'm ready for spring now any day, too. A lot of snow seems to be melting here today, but it's not really *warm* by any stretch of the imagination quite yet.

    I kind of love your your "I am reading," all the different directions you're being pulled in remind me of the duel in my *my* head about what gets read next!

  3. Your book list made me feel dizzy. I can relate. So where's Persuasion being played? I watched a movie version recently and even if it's not as good as the book I still sobbed like a baby. And I can NOT blast my music with the windows down. I don't know why. I just get too nervous.

  4. I love this list!! Your life is so full, Suey. Filled to the brim with things you love. It's wonderful to see.

    All those books you want to get to....I need to catch up with Matt and Brand and Perrin too. My daughter and I watch Merlin together, though we are in reruns right now up here in Canada. It's such a fun reworking of the Arthurian myth. Can you blog about Paranormalcy? The title sounds interesting, but I haven't heard of it. I need a good other-worldly book to read soon :-D

    If I lived in Utah, I'd come to your blogging party!

  5. I love reading these posts of yours. Love reading the tid-bits, nuances, and mundane things of your life.

    Whew....looks like you not yet started Lord of Chaos. We must get going though. How about next week? What do you think? I need to set a pace for myself so I can get through the book in a timely fashion while still reading other books. Don't have my hands on the book yet, how many chapters are there?

    I hope your blogging party turns out to be fantastic! Wish I lived near you.

  6. Enna: BYU? Yes?

    Megan: Seriously... it's crazy.

    TG: I'm dizzy too, and I truly did have a hard time picking one to settle on yesterday, but it ended up being Wither. Whoa, pretty wild start. Persuasion will be at BYU this next month.

    Susan: The Paranormalcy review will hopefully be up this week sometime. I am only catching up on Merlin... and I'm sad to have run out of Hulu episodes. I hope I can find the others somewhere. I wish you lived closer too!

    Ibeeeg: No, have not started, but am anxious too, even though I have all those other things to read too. It worries me a little how to fit that in with everything else. BUT, we can do it! Let me go look....55 chapters plus prologue and epilogue... 987 pages! If you come up with a real schedule, let me know!

  7. It just snowed here and now it is raining. What a mess!
