Saturday, February 19, 2011

Book Club Randomly Discussed Book Lists

I mentioned the other day that I've been making lists at our book club meeting of the books we talk about during the course of our discussions. These are NOT the books we meet to discuss,  (that will be a different post) but the books we report to each other as the ones we've been reading, or hearing about, suggesting or whatever. I thought maybe you'd all think it fun to see these lists and get a peak into our book club personality.

So the last two months' lists:

January 2011 Books Discussed

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban (Julie LOVED this one and wants everyone to add it to your must read list without fail!)
Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool (winner of the latest Newbery Award, announced just last week.)
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi (winner of the latest Printz Award, announced just last week.)
Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone by Dene Low (a previous Newbery winner or honor? I can't remember, but Kim recommends.)
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore (Talked about because of the recent movie buzz.)
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr (Jenny's been on a Sara Zarr kick, and says "they're okay.")
Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite (by the other author that we met when we visited with Ally Condie at the library.)
The Survivor's Club by Ben Sherwood (a book that Jessica N. really enjoyed.)
Ordeal by Hunger: The Story of the Donner Party by George R. Stewart (We talked about book club food themes, and wondered what we'd serve if this was our book!)
Breathing Lessons by Ann Tyler (Kim really enjoyed this one, even though it's simple and "nothing happens." It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1989)
Peace Like a River by Lief Enger (Jessica A. recently read and loved.)
Poison Study by Marie V. Synder (Julie has been reading this series and enjoying them.)
All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot (Vibeke has been enjoying this series.)
Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (Ashley recommends this one for a fascinating non-fiction book.)
Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay (when the conversation digressed to TV, this was one of the book tie-ins!)
Incarceron and Sapphique by Catherine Fisher (two books that Jenny and Suey have been lately discussing.)

February 2011 Books Discussed

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (Stuart is currently reading and seems to be quite into. I'm pretty sure stuff happens.)
The Inheritance of Rome by Chris Wickham (Vibeke is still working on this ambitious book)
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (Laurie just finished and was properly awed)
Chains and Forge both by Laurie Halse Anderson. (Jessica A has been enjoying these awesome YA historical fiction books)
The Magicians by Lev Grossman (Ashley's suggestion)
Jeeves and Wooster books by P.G. Wodehouse (a set of British comedy books that Ashley has been enjoying. Here's an example.)
We the Living by Ayn Rand (Tessa suggests this as a place to start for Ayn Rand stuff)
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (Sam's still working on this audiobook.)
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (Michelle enjoyed, but says it might be "too edgy" for us!)
A Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (and now I can't remember who suggested this one! Michelle was it?)
My Double Life by Janette Rallison (Julie enjoyed... even more than Just One Wish)
Daughter of the Forest  by Juliet Marillier (Jenny didn't like, but thinks everyone else probably would. A few of us HAVE read it and loved it.)
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger (Amy has been enjoying this one. Jessica A seconds it!)
The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas  (Amy read this with her other book club. She liked it but it's a big one.)
We Band of Angels by Elizabeth M. Norman (I can't remember who talked about this one either! UGH! Must. Take. Better. Notes.)
Princess Ben  by Catherine Gilbert Murdock (Julie recently re-read, it's one of her favorites.)
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George (Suey's fairy tale re-telling suggestion of the month, by local author)
Delirium by Lauren Oliver (lots of blogger buzz lately)
Birthmarked by Caragh M. O'Brien (a dystopian Melissa... I think.... suggests...similar to Matched)
Brave New Worlds by various authors (a dystopian short story collection Jessica A has heard about)
Castle Dor by Arthur Quiller-Couch and Daphne du Maurier (the Tristan and Isolde re-telling by the dude that Helene Hanff likes)
A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin (Suey's urban fantasy recent read and one of Jenny's favorites.)

The Breathless Five (books being marketed with Ally Condie's Matched)

Markus Zusak books (did I tell you... he's coming to the library!!!! :) 
The Bridge of Clay (coming this year? I hope.)

I truly love that we actually talk about books at book club. Not that we don't talk about other things too, but books really do get discussed!

Are you in a book club and do you talk about lots of other books, besides the book you are meeting to discuss?


  1. Wow!

    Neither of my book clubs gets into books (other than the one being discussed) that much!

    Sounds like a great group.

  2. I love the variety of books that your club talks about. I would be constantly adding to my TBR list whenever I went if that was me :) Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Wow, your group reads a lot outside of book club! I love my club but I can hardly get them to read the book we're reading for book club. Quite a few of them don't even get that much read. But I do need to start asking those that do read more what they are reading.

  4. That is a great list! Your club sounds fabulous; my gosh, these lists alone could keep someone reading for a long time.

    If you have not read Birthmarked then I highly suggest that you do. I really liked that story; a lot.

  5. I wish I'd recommended Birthmarked! I did love it though. Can't remember who did... I was the Curse Dark as Gold recommender, though. Good stuff.
