Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions

I haven't officially posted a list for bookish resolutions yet, so I figured why not participate in the Top Ten event over at The Broke and the Bookish for the week and make one.

So here are my reading goals this year:

1. Keep reading The Wheel of Time books, hopefully one every other month. That would be six more books!
2. Read one non-fiction book a month.
3. Read more newly released books. Be more of a buzz maker instead of a buzz follower!
4. At the same time, read more classics!
5. But don't forget, allow for lots and lots of spontaneity (which basically means, enjoy the library.)
6. Recommit to the Printz Project and get a bunch of those books read.
7. Keep up with all the books the local authors are writing.
8. Read the New Testament.
9. Catch up on ARCs that are still waiting for reviews.
10. Read what I WANT to read, not what I HAVE to read.

Of course, I'll try to get to that fun 100 book mark again. Have you seen the new feature over at Goodreads where you can keep track of this? Yes, it's pretty cool. I'm doing really lousy so far since I haven't yet finished a book this year, but The Fires of Heaven has only 100 or so pages to go... and I can read 100 in a flash! :) But the week is a busy one, so I guess we'll see how that goes. I'm anxious to get to a bunch of new books that are waiting in the wings, so hopefully it will happen.

If you haven't posted your goals yet, what are you waiting for? Make a list and join us!


  1. I need to focus more on my bible reading too!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. I like the idea of the local authors. I never do much with that in my area.

    Have a great one!


  3. The idea of number 7 just makes me dizzy. There are so many local authors, I just don't know if I could keep up with everything. It's a great goal, though. I'll be interested to see how you do.

  4. here's mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/01/top-ten-tuesday-top-10-bookish.html

  5. Yes, I discovered the new goodreads challenge this morning. Very nifty!

    I gave up on the Wheel of Time years ago, when I'd finished the 5th book. I had the 6th and 7th ones as wel, but gave them away. The series was way tooooo slow for me! How do you find it?


  6. Love your list. Have you printed it out to keep it handy to refer back to on a regular basis?

    Of course, you know that I am right there with you on item number 1! Only 100 pages left to go with The Fires Heaven...yay! You go! I cannot wait to see what you think of this book. I am thinking I will put my review up tomorrow...or sometime this week.

    I did not see the goodreads thing, but I am not on there much. That is one of my goals...to clean up my goodreads account. I am going to check out the tracking thing.

    100 books...a great goal. I did not hit that mark in 2010, but maybe for this year.

  7. I also like the 'read more local authors' goal! I'll have to do some research and find my local authors!

    Good luck with all of you resolutions and thanks for participating this week!

    Jen at The Broke and the Bookish

  8. These are great goals and some of them overlap with my own. One of mine is to make sure to mix in my own books with reviews and to try to read 80 books this year.
