Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't Interrupt Me While I'm Reading a Book!

We love Julian Smith at our house... especially the kids. They said to me, "Mom, you really need to post this on your blog!" So, what could I say? Anyway, I love it too, so here it is. He creeps me out a little in this song, but in a fun sort of way! Besides, that's the point I'm sure. (I saw this posted on someone else's blog already, which was actually the first place I saw it, but I already forgot who it was! ) He's a crazy dude, he is!

Happy Friday to you all! Enjoy the weekend!


  1. It is funny but creepy also. I saw it over on Book Whisperers blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He made me laugh, but he kind of creeped me out too!
    Happy Friday.....:)

  4. Ha...this was fun. Yeah..creepy, but that is what made it so much fun. I think I may have to post this too. Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Ha! That's awesome! I need a recording of that for when I'm reading. I swear I feel just that creepy. I spent the last two days reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, my first of his. I contemplated beheading my boys for interruptions like, "Mom, what's for dinner."

  6. LOL. This is a hilarious video, especially for booklovers in general. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. I like that song! I heard it once last week and been thinking of borrowing his lyrics for a new coffee mug I've been thinking of making. LOL!

  8. Yeah, I posted him on my blog too. He's hilarious and great fun for us book lovers.

  9. That is so hilarious!!! It is creepy and I've spent all day on you tube watching his videos. The 25 things I hate about Facebook is cracking me up!
