Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Top Tens: War Stories

I haven't done a BTT question for quite a long time, but today's BTT episode has inspired me to make another Top Ten list.

First the question:

It is November 11th, known here in the U.S. as Veteran’s Day, formerly Armistice Day to remember the end of WWI but expanded to honor all veterans who have fought for their country, so …
Do you read war stories? Fictional ones? Histories?

So, to answer the question, yes, I read war stories and totally enjoy them. I tend to go for mostly the fictional ones, but have been known to read a few nonfictional too. Here's ten of my favorites:

1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (WWII)
2. The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank (WWII)
3. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (French Revolution)
4. The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara (American Civil War)
5. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer (WWII)
6. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (French Revolution)
7. John Adams by David McCoullough (American Revolution)
8. North and South by John Jakes (American Civil War)
9. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom (WWII)
10. The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy (French Revolution)

As you can see, I seem to have my "favorite" wars.

What would you put on a top ten list of favorite war stories? Which ones should I have included on mine? What books would you recommend for me to read to expand my knowledge of other perhaps "lesser" known wars?


  1. I'd have to include Gone With the Wind, one of my all-time favorites. Despite the racism, I thought it was a fascinating look at the war at home. Great meme, hope you don't mind if I borrow it!

  2. Ooh. I loved The Killer Angels and had forgotten all about it until now!

  3. I love that you love war books! haha Most ppl expect men to be the only ones who enjoy reading them but you go girl!!!

    Happy Thursday!

  4. I always think of Rilla of Ingleside in connection to WWI. The war isn't a huge part at all, but it views the homeland (Canada) and how the war was experienced from their point of view. It's the last of the Anne books, and one of my favorite.

    Maisie Dobbs also sort of covers WWI, it's just the after effects of some of the participants.

    oh, I just thought of even more. I'll have to do my own list.

  5. I only read fictional ones. The White Queen, The Red Queen, and some Civil War books.

  6. I don't really think of myself as reading "War" books but looking at your list, I realize that I do read quite a few books that are about regular people dealing with war. I'm going to have to give this one some thought.

  7. For some unknown and unacceptable reason I have not yet read The Book Thief. It’s on hold at the library and hopefully I’ll get my hands on it soon. I just finished All Quiet on the Western Front and was surprised by its intensity. For some reason I didn’t really like A Tale of Two Cities, though I absolutely love Dickens…

  8. Karen: Ah, Gone With the Wind!Yes, that's the one I knew I was forgetting!

    Clover: Yes, it's a good one.

    HBookers: There's lots of great war story novels that women love.

    Raidergirl: I'll have to check that one out for sure. Did you do your own list yet? I need to come see it!

    Tribute: Those sound good too!

    Lisa: Yes, there's lots of great books with war as the background or setting. Have you come up with your own list yet?

    TwoBiblios: Okay seriously. You NEED to get that one read ASAP!
