Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Insanity at the Library

Today, I went to the library to check out book club sets for next month's book, The Potato Peel book as I'm calling it because I'm really sick of typing it out every time I talk about it, you know.

Anyway, so I told myself, "Suey, no WAY are you going to browse the shelves in the YA section because we both know that you have plenty to read already." Yes, I told my self, there's all those review books that I accept and then never read, there's two or three read alongs (official and un), there's book club and challenges, and a major stack new books that I have yet to get to, and a Classic Circuit tour coming up.  Yes, there's plenty to read.

Yet, I found myself literally compelled to walk through the section! It was as if Damon himself were there looking into my eyes! I mean, just what if there was something over there that I've been dying to read forever, and I didn't go check it out! How could I ever live with myself again???

And so of course, I now not only have 15 book club set books, but five more random YA books littering the floor of my room.

Here's what I ended up with:

Yeah, maybe I'll even read them sometime.

So tell me, does something compel YOU every time you step your foot into a library? And then you walk out of there wondering what in the world you were thinking? 


  1. I love books that tempt me! :) Looks like you found some good ones.

  2. The lovely thing about libraries is that even if you don't get around to reading them, at least you didn't buy them, right. :D I love libraries.

  3. Honestly, I am not a huge bookshelf browser in stores or in libraries. However, I do need to always glance at the books in Target, and do wind up a bit lost in the shelves while at Borders with my 11-year old daughter. The library doesn't appeal to me in that way. I think it is because I seem to always young children in tow or am in a time crunch. I use my libraries online system for holding books, and then I all I have to do is stop by, go to the book holder with my name (usually there is more than one holder), and check out. I really like that feature a whole lot. Oh, I do have to browse the For Sale books but they are in the lobby.

    With all of that said, I do check out way too many books. far more books than I have time to read. I cannot help it. I think I may have a library card holder disorder.

    I own Fire (need to read it). I am curious if you will get to it. I absolutely loved Graceling so I don't know why I have not read Fire yet.

  4. I don't go to the library.

    Wake is great, I loved the whole series.

  5. Something does compel me every time I step my foot into a library. And then I walk out of there wondering what in the world I was thinking. :)

    (Like ibeeg, I think I have a library card holder disorder.)

    BTW I really enjoyed North of Beautiful. I want to read more of Shusterman ... but I loved Unwind so much that I'm worried that nothing else will ever compare; I'm like that with second reads sometimes.

  6. I love to browse at the library (Or bookstore) whenever I go in! I look for books that catch my eye.

    I usually walk out with at least one new book. What I love about the library is that if I don't have a chance to finish or even start the books that I have checked out, I can renew them. :)

  7. I can't help but have a look in the YA section everytime I go to the library as well (I have about 8 books out at the moment even though I have ten zillion other books that I've said I'll read already!)

    I LOVED North Of Beautiful, I hope you do too :)

  8. Debbie: I'm thinking all books tempt me!

    Amanda: Exactly! :)

    Ibeeeg: Ah, the library, obviously, is my biggest temptation because everything is "free" for the taking! And I always think... what the heck! Why not?

    Marce: What? You don't go to the library!!! I think Wake may be the first one I get to on this list. It looked fast and easy.

    Alison: You need to try more Shusterman really... read The Schwa one...

    Melissa: Yes, I remember telling myself yesterday that I actually really had six weeks to read them, if I count the renewal time.

    Clover: Oh man, lots of North of Beautiful love! I think that's why I grabbed it because I remember hearing lots of good things. Maybe that will be second on my list.

  9. Ha ha! Love the Damon reference. Though, I wouldn't need Damon to go beserk at the library. (but I wouldn't turn him down...ever!) I have Wake too. Maybe I'll read that one soon so we can discuss it.

  10. I'm definitely not allowed near the shelves at my library anymore. My holds are ridiculous enough as it is. I've given in a few times and always come away with way more than I can read. I do hope you get to North of Beautiful though. One of my faves this year!

  11. I know what you mean about the Potato book (see, I made it even shorter!)
    The other day I was stressed out because I've gotten myself into too many books at once, so naturally I went to the library to get more books to make myself feel better. It's a disease.

  12. I like that you call it the Potato Peel Book, ha ha! I have the same problem when I visit the library, only my tempting shelves are the ones on nature, gardening and wildlife. I can't browse that aisle without coming home lugging a dozen or so books that I know I won't have time to read!
