Friday, October 22, 2010

Rambling Again

Random tidbits from this past week:

** Awesome book club last night! Ally Condie spoke at the library, then we had book club afterwards discussing Matched, and she peeked in on us and hung out for a bit! She also had a friend with her, none other than Becca Wilhite whose books I've recently discovered and loved. What a fun night it was! I'll do a real post about it all next week. Has your book club had a close encounter of the third kind with an author?

** Oh my aching neck! Wow, have I had a struggle with this lately! And let me just say, it is NOT fun. Any suggestions for relief from intense neck pain?

** My two favorite singing boys have new songs! You want to hear them, right? Of course right!

** I've started watching the BBC production of Bleak House. Quite loving it. So much is going on that I totally missed in my reading of this book. Speaking of which, I still have about 200 pages left, but I feel like I'm almost done! Don't you think that's funny? I think that's funny.

** We also watched The Count of Monte Cristo this past week. Oh boy. I love that one. Any Jim Caviezel fans out there?

** Speaking of music (which I'm sure I was somewhere) I finally made a Muse playlist on YouTube... just random fun Muse videos. Have you made a YouTube playlist and shared it? It can actually be quite addicting.

Well, I'm sure there was much more rolling around in my head, but I've got to go now and wanted to post before I head out, so I will just say "the end" now.

Have a fantastic Friday!


  1. I LOVE the Count of Monte Cristo movie. I'm hoping to listen to the audio of the book this winter - it's already downloaded onto my phone (which serves as my audiobook player as well) but I've got a few other things to listen to first.

  2. I told you before, and I am going to tell you again...I am very envious of all the author opportunities that you get in the area that you live. Very cool.

    Your book club night sounds fantastically fun! I so would love to truly hook up with a book club...chatting about books read is much better for me than always writing in order to discuss. KWIM?

    Ooo...aching necks, not fun. No advise, sorry. Oh wait, Motrin, motrin, motrin. That seems to help me a bit.

    I am on Groban's site email list. Received an email about a few shows that he will be doing in order to come up with his set for his big tour. I thought of you, and wonder if you would be able to attend any of them. I am thinking not as I don't remember any close to your area. Still though, I bet that would be a dream come true for you.
    I look forward to the release of his new album. Have you bought a pre-order yet? By the way: the song you posted is fabulous.

    Yes I am a Jim Caviezel fan. He narrated in my Bible audidobook, and didn't really love him there though. Still...I plan to read Count of Monte Cristo...shall I do that first, and then watch this movie. OR do you think I could watch the movie first? Maybe I should listen to an audiobook version as Heather plans to. Ahhh...such decisions. LOL

    Oh my God Suey...I am so hooked on making YouTube Playlists. I most certainly have a Muse playlist. I am going to listen to yours a bit later as I have to do a couple of things to do right now. I can't wait to see what you have on the list....curious if you have chosen any vids that I have. :D :D
    Have I shared my playlist? Nope, not yet. Have you besides here on this post?

    Love these random ramblings. :D

  3. I love the new video and song from Michael!

  4. Heather: I really should try an audio book one of these days... really I should...

    Ibeeeg: Ok yes, you are right. Going to one of those "intimate" shows that Josh is doing, seriously a dream. While California is doable, it's just not doable NOW... so nope, I won't be there. He makes me crazy though, by doing stuff like this and only a very select few get to participate. UGH!!!

    With Count of Monte Cristo, I say you can watch the movie and then read the book. There's lots of differences, but it actually might help with making the book clearer in your head.

    Oh, I do want to see/listen to your playlist. And nope, I haven't shared many of mine yet, just my Prison Break soundtrack clips with my sisters! :) I have only just began scratching the surface with my playlist ideas!

    Jenny: YES! I just barely discovered this! Where have I been? So much fun!

  5. A pain in the neck?!?!? A massage! They are worth every penny.

    Actually I have a myriad of suggestions....

    I love your rambles....

  6. Physical therapy! Seriously. I had a giant knot in my neck (it was really a muscle spasm) and after 6 weeks of physical therapy it feels wonderful. Still not 100%, but compared to before? It feels amazing.

  7. Love, love Jim Cavezial! His eyes are amazing! I would watch Count of Monte Cristo for those two actors again and again.

  8. Confession . . . I have never watched The Count of Monte Cristo or read the book. My book club is set to read it for February though, so I will definitely be checking out Cavezial soon! :)
