Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Reading Recap

So you already know this month has been pretty dismal quantity-wise, but still, what I've read, I've really enjoyed. Here's the list:

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff: Mackie feels like he's never really fit in and then the truth comes out that he's probably quite right.

Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite: Leigh has to share her mom, bedroom and even best friend that's a boy with her new step-sister.

Matched by Ally Condie: Cassia goes to her Matched Ceremony and gets a surprise match. Later, she gets an even bigger surprise when she finds it that might be a mistake.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer: We learn what's happening with the newborn army that's being created to fight the Cullen's at the end of Eclipse.

Secondhand Charm by Julie Berry: Evie takes off to the university, and on the way has more adventures than she can handle.

Spells by Aprilynne Pike: Laurel learns more about the faerie world, including her friend Tamani, which causes stress in her human world with her friend David.

Read to page 650 of The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan: Really enjoying this one. Loving the story, the characters, everything.

Read to page 530 of Bleak House by Charles Dickens: Turning out to not be not as great as I'd hoped, not as great as other Dickens books that I've loved.

Favorites: Bright Blue Miracle, Matched and Secondhand Charm, all so different from each other, but all very fun stories.

Plans for next month:

  • First and foremost, finish the big books!
  • Read all day long on October 9 for the readathon, list of potentials in a separate post.
  • Read The Clockwork Three, which I now have!
  • Read Nightshade.
  • Try to get in a couple more RIP choices.
  • Fall of Giants? I'm losing hope for this book.
  • Perhaps start on The Count of Monte Cristo for book club.
  • Oh, yes, The Scorch Trials of course! :)
How did your reading month go?


  1. Well, you have some big chunksters on there so don't feel like you didn't read! Both Bleak House and the Jordan books probably count for two books each. (I want to reread the Jordan series but the sheer length just puts me off.)

  2. I'm so eager to read Matched! I'm also looking forward to the Read-a-Thon!

  3. As soon as I can get a copy, I'm going to delve into Wheel of Time #2. Amazingly, my closest library doesn't have it.
    I was not wowed by Bleak House either like I thought I would be. I think my expectations were too high. Great Expectations and David Copperfield remain my favorites.
