Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weekly Geeks 2010.27: A Cover Study

This week over at the Geeks, Becky has come up with a list of different ways to ponder book covers. Normally, I'm not that into covers. I do, however, love it when people compare similar covers, but I can't ever think of them on my own. BUT, I do love to compare covers of the same book. Awhile back I did this with Jane Eyre for another Weekly Geek assignment, and it was really fun. So today, I want to do that again and compare all the different covers of The Book Thief. Which one is your favorite?

I think those last two are a bit creepy. And the first two, they're okay. But the middle two, I really like. I have no idea what editions all these are from, or where (what country) they are from. I'm clueless and too lazy to look it up. Anyone know?

Want to join the geek party, head on over and link up your post.


  1. I like the second to last, even with the blood spatter. And then I saw the last one. I've never laughed that hard over a book cover before. Ahh, great start to my morning!

  2. I'm with you. The middle two are probably my favorite. I had no idea there were such wide-ranging covers on this one! Lovely!

  3. i like the middle two also. that last one is just bizarre (and silly)! of the middle two, the first really illustrates the story, but i like the ambiance of the second one.

    this was really interesting and fun.

  4. I just adore this book ... and these covers are so fascinating. I don't know what one I like the best honestly ... maybe the 4th one ... but that may be for the phrase in the middle!

  5. My favorite is the third one, which I never saw before this post.
