Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reading Along

I love read alongs. So I'm doing two this month. Well, one this month and one that will last a couple of months because this is no small book!

Yes, maybe, once and for all, I'll get this Bleak House book read!  Amanda from The Zen Leaf went and created what looks like a wonderful read along schedule, which I joined of course. Check it out here and come join if you, like me, have always wanted to read Bleak House.

Here's the schedule for that one:

Aug 25 - Chapters 1-7
Sept 1 - Chapters 8-13
Sept 8 - Chapters 14-19
Sept 15 - Chapters 20-25
Sept 22 - Chapters 26-32
Sept 29 - Chapters 33-38
Oct 6 - Chapters 39-46
Oct 13 - Chapters 47-53
Oct 20 - Chapters 54-59
Oct 27 - Chapters 60-67

The idea for this one is to post "thoughts so far" on all these dates. So we'll see how that goes.

The other read along is for the sequel to The Sparrow, one of the most heart wrenching books I've ever read. So, of course, I have to find out what happens next. This one is headed up by Heather (Age 30+- A Lifetime of Book) and Florinda (The 3 R's Blog).  I started reading that one yesterday and will do a half way post in a week or so and a wrap up post and the end of August. 

I hope you enjoying "reading along" with me. And if you want to read for yourself, come join us!


  1. I LOVED Bleak House! I'm so excited for your thoughts. I'd read it again if I thought I had any chance of finding time to do so!

  2. Melissa, I keep hearing people say this is their favorite Dickens, and with how much I loved Great Expectations, David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities, I can't imagine how good this one's got to be. And about the time thing, I'm very nervous! :)

  3. So happy you're joining us. :D

  4. I in on the Bleak House readalong! Thanks for bringing it to my attention; I've been wanting to read it this year.

  5. I want to read Bleak House, but I'm nervous about it...

  6. I am so tempted by this one!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I just started reading CoG last night and of course got sucked in and stayed up too late. NOW I remember why I love this book so much ...
