Saturday, July 24, 2010

Weekly Geeks 2010.25: Author Pictures

We doing a Dewey original this week over at Weekly Geeks. We first did it back in August of 2008, one of my favorites. The idea is to post pictures of authors that answer the questions in this list, and have you my readers, guess who you think they are in comments.

1. Photos of your favorite author(s).

2. Photo(s) of the author(s) of the book(s) you’re currently reading.

3. Photo(s) of any author(s) you’ve met in person (even very briefly).

4. A Youtube of (an) author(s) you’ve heard speak.

5. Any photo(s) you may have of yourself with an author.

6. A photo of the author of the book you’ve most recently finished.

7. Photos of the hottest author(s)!

Sorry, I can only think of the one. I would be "cheating" if I put anyone else here!!! :)

Comment with your guesses!


  1. Gee this game is harder than it would seem. I got the Brontes' but no one else. I look forward to the answers.

  2. It seems I can only recognise the Bronte Sisters and Marcus Zusak!

    Here is my Weekly Geeks post!

  3. The Bronte sisters. All the others, well, except for Zusak, but that was easy), no clue.

  4. All guys except for for your favs hmmmm. Cool list though.

  5. The YouTube is of Shannon and Dean Hale. :-D And is the one of you with Brandon Sanderson? (Just guessing here.)

  6. 5 is definitely Sanderson. *swoon*

    Oh, and I loved your post on the literary characters you would/wouldn't let your daughter date. So funny!

  7. Wow - is the first one Susanne Collins? Then the Bronte Sisters.... thats it I am out! :D
