Friday, July 16, 2010

My Brand: FUN!

A couple of weeks ago after the Twitter #bblog discussion about branding our blogs, I posted a little survey to see what sort of impression I'm putting out there regarding my blog. It appears that the overwhelming most common word used to describe things around here is FUN! I'm liking that! Chatty and friendly also come up often. I like that too!

A few of you are still not sure what a gravatar is (the profile picture that you use all around the social media sites and that shows up when you comment on other blogs etc.) but you do mostly recognize mine... me hiding behind books. And even more of you recognize me by my nickname. I was wondering if that would be the case. Interesting.

It appears everyone is kind of all over the place regarding feelings about branding. Some are having fun with it and getting into the swing of the idea, and others still aren't sure what it all means. I have a feeling we'll continue to hear more and more about the concept for the next while.

But enough of that! Back to the FUN! You know, I always (well usually) to try think of something fun to post on Fridays, whether it be random thoughts or music or whatever pops into my head. So here's to keeping up stuff like that.

Movie I Want to See:

Music I Want to Buy:

Book I Want to Read:


  1. Sounds like the survey told you what we already know...your blog is fun!

  2. FUN is a good thing to be :)

    I have really looked into the branding conversation myself, especially before BEA. I agreed that it is good to be able to identify yourself by a logo - or color scheme. I purchased business cards to match the blog and found that maybe people didn't know me - but they seen the card and instantly knew who I was. That was fun.

    Pro branding. :)

  3. your blog is Fun, and your gravatar memorable.
    and I like your Friday's here.

    we are going to see Inception today and am really excited. A.O. Scott at the NY Times has a good review, and Ebert has a really enjoyable one; not that we were not going to see it.

    I like the ticker for Mocking Jay, it's release is probably the only reason I would look forward to the end of summer vacation.

  4. Fun is good! And yep, I recognize you from all over. LOL
