Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 90th Birthday Grandpa!

Today we're off not only celebrating the birthday of the US, but also the birthday of my grandpa. He's 90 years old today! (The picture shown above was taken last year on his 89th birthday.) So we'll be spending the day with him, on his farm, with many extended family, eating cake and cookies and talking and remembering. Hopefully, we'll even fit in a little street fireworks.

My grandpa is one that inspired me be a reader. He is amazing. He reads so much, and remembers every word he's read. He's like a walking encyclopedia! And every time I see him, he never fails to ask me, "Read any good books lately?" Either that or, "Hey, I read a great book recently!" If I was to pick his favorite genre, I would guess it was historical fiction.

So I plan to have a fantastic day with family today and I hope you all either having a wonderful Fourth of July or if not celebrating, a peaceful Sunday of reading!


  1. Congratulations to your grandpa on reaching such an impressive milestone!

  2. Congrats to your grandpa! May you have a great day with him.

  3. What a wonderful photo! Looks like you will be having a great 4th!

  4. May I wish your Grandpa a very Happy Birthday! That is quite an accomplishment and such a compliment to attribute your love of reading to him. You must be very proud of him! Hope the day is wonderful!

  5. Your grandpa looks in amazingly good health! What a wonderful way to spend the holiday.

  6. Happy birthday to your grandpa!
