Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Pile of Mini Movie Reviews

Summer is the season of movies, right? And we are no exception around and have already been piling up a list of both our rentals and "new" movies watched. Here's what I've thought of them:

New Movies

Robin Hood: This movie, starring Russell Crowe as Robin Hood, was pretty much what I expected. I knew it was the story of how Robin Hood became Robin Hood, and in fact ended with the words "As so the legend begins" so it was fun to see yet another take on this. My only complaint is there was quite a bit of political story line, and sometimes that drug a bit in the middle. Anyway, it was fun and I enjoyed it. It's just that the I'm spoiled now because of the wonderful BBC series.

Iron Man 2: Not as good as the first one. Still, I enjoyed it. It actually had some slow parts here and there too, which was surprising. But fun. I just love Robert Downey Jr. so it doesn't really matter what he does, I'll be watching.


The Lovely Bones: I was a little leery of this one, but someone said they down played the "bad parts." So we rented it. However, it was so creepy and spooky in general that it didn't even matter! Yeah, creepy is the best word I can think of to describe this one. The book didn't creep me out at all, so that was kinda interesting.

The Young Victoria: Loved this one.  A simple, beautiful movie about the love story of Albert and Victoria.

Dear John: It's about a relationship that begins during spring break between a college girl and a guy on leave from the Army. He has to go back of course, so they write letters. It had a little unexpected twist at the end, and you'll probably shed one or two tears, but not a bucket load. It's a sweet story.

Old Movies

The River Wild: We watched this one just the other night. And even after seeing it several times, it is still on the edge of your seat suspenseful! Great movie. But if you have to go on a river trip and you are a little bit nervous... skip this movie until after you're home! But then, do watch it. Meryl Streep, Kevin Bacon... both do an excellent job.

Right now, Avatar is blasting forth from the basement. One of the kids' friends hadn't seen it yet, so of course, we offered to show it. I think I'll read instead of watching it again, but I will for sure be hearing it. But maybe, I'll just go down and watch that flying scene. Love it.

So what have you watched lately that I shouldn't miss? I'm thinking I'd like to go see Prince of Persia. Looking forward to Eclipse of course. It seems like there's quite a bunch of movies this summer that I'll want to be seeing. I guess we'll see....


  1. I am definitely looking forward to the Prince of Persia. I saw a brief show on how Jake Gynllenhaal does a lot of his own stunts (jumping from building to building and over horses) it looks really cool.

  2. I may be awol from book club lately, but I have been keeping up on my movies! :) I loved Robin Hood, totally agree that Iron Man 2 had some slow parts - but with Robbie Jr in it who cared! ;) Couldn't even read Lovely Bones (listened to the first half of the first chapter on book on tape - no thank you for reading or seeing the movie! I worked at the prison for 6 yrs, don't need to read or watch that crap!) Young Victoria - saw it twice in the theatre!! Ah ... I love movies, almost as much as books! Oh and Kevin Bacon ... how can he be adorable in one movie and creepy in the next, love him!!

  3. I saw a trailer for Prince of Persia, and it looks like the best kind of summer fluff. And then there's taking the girls to see both Toy Story 3 and The Last Airbender when they come out.

    And Eat, Pray, Love... not to mention catching up on other movies I've not yet seen...

    Ah, summer.

  4. Great movie wrap up! I still keep meaning to see the Lovely Bones and Iron Man 2! We just saw Get Me to the Greek and thought it was hysterical.

  5. Peter Jackson did some really interesting things with The Lovely Bones. I didn't care for the book, but I did like the movie. As you wrote, it was REALLY creepy. I was especially uncomfortable with the part in the bathtub. It wasn't graphic or anything, just uncomfortable and built the tension really well.

    Definitely want to see The Young Victoria.

  6. I loved Young Victoria. Well, I rented Leap Year the other day. It was really cute. We also went to Shrek Forever After, and I really liked it. I think it might be my favorite Shrek movie. I can't wait to see Toy Story 3 and Eclipse of course.

    My favorite is I finally own my own copy of BBC's North and South. I bought the Elizabeth Gaskell collection from Costco. That movie is a must own.

  7. Jan, that would be fun!

    Cam, and yes, where HAVE you been anyway? We've missed you! I love movies too. Sydney and I keep getting on the movie discussions at church when we should be having lessons. Pretty funny.

    Melissa, I need to read Eat Pray Love before I see it! Arghh.

    Amused, haven't heard of that Greek movie. I will look for it!

    Andi, yes the bathtub. Ew, yuck.

    Amy, good to know about Leap Year. Maybe we'll try that one soon. And Yeah! for North and South! Love it!
