Saturday, June 12, 2010

BBAW Registration Links

To register and participate fully in BBAW this year we are asked to define our blog and enter it in a specific category. I decided to enter my blog as an "Eclectic Book Blog" which is described like this: This blog doesn’t specialize in any one book genre. It is known for consistently excellent reviews, recommendations, analyses, and other content in a variety of genres. Seriously, I'm all over the place genre-wise, so hopefully it makes sense to enter in this niche.

The next step is to create a post where we link to five favorite posts including three reviews, and two other miscellaneous posts. Here's what I've chosen:

Three Reviews

Review: The Passage by Justin Cronin  (horror/SF)

Review: Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martell (literary fiction)

Review: My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters by Sydney Salter (YA)

Two Miscellaneous

The Trouble With Author Signings  (personal bookish observations)

True or False: 90% of Everything is Crap (discussion/opinion post)

And now that I've declared myself and picked my posts, I can go and officially register. Have you registered yet? If not, get to it! (Sign ups for BBAW can be found here.)


  1. Suey,

    I think your reviews and your fantabulous posts will certainly wow the judges.

    You always amaze me with the topics you come up with and the humor you write into each and every one.

    Definitely one of the most eclectic blogger I know.

    Good luck.

  2. Aw Jan! Thank you so much! :) You've made my day.

  3. Good Luck...That category is going to be packed!

  4. Ooh, good thinking! I'm still working on if I'll register or not.

  5. Good luck Suey! Can I just say that I loved your True or False post!! It was so much fun!! :)
