Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Sunday Salon: Let Summer Begin!

Whew! What a week it was!

In the blogging world it was BEA and the first ever Book Blogger Con. Maybe some year I'll get to go, but instead, this year I participated in Armchair BEA for those of us left behind. It was a blast interviewing other bloggers (see my interview with Jen) and talking about what we'd do if we could go to BEA.  I especially had fun coming up with a dream panel! Then we had our own BBC and gave out all sorts of wonderful advice and wisdom and ideas to each other. (Click here for the list of those fun posts.) Thursday evening was especially fun because of the Twitter party and getting to know more bloggers and following everyone all over the place!

In the personal world, it was the last week of school and we had activity after activity. A ground breaking for one school, moving furniture at another school, dance festivals, concerts, finals to help study for, American Idol to watch, kids to drive everywhere, etc etc. Plus one night it was book club here, and then the next day it was graduation for JJ. Wow, crazy stuff. All the days were filled to the brim! Yesterday, I crashed and did pretty much nothing. Oh, except we did go see the Robin Hood movie. Good, but not great. It was a little too political for  me and needed to focus more on Robin Hood. And I'm too much in love with the BBC version now which means Jonas Armstrong will now and forever be my Robin Hood of choice.

In the reading world, not much happened. But even at that, I did finish a couple this weekend. Both I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells and Antsy Does Time by Neal Shusterman. (Liked IANASK, loved Antsy. Reviews to come soon!) Earlier in the week I finished Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier and LOVED it! So today I've started Coop for a blog tour coming up and Meg Cabot's newest one called Insatiable. Talk about two completely opposite sorts of books!

But summer is here! Here's the plan:
-- kid #2 needs a job. Somehow, that's my problem.
-- kid #3 needs to get his learner's permit and take driver's ed. Joy.
-- kid #3 also needs to find and do an Eagle Project, also somehow my problem.
-- I hope they all read a ton but especially kid#3 and 4. We will do the library summer program, but I'm nervous that only kid#4 will be interested this year, and that will be sad.
-- I hope to bump up my monthly "books read" average from around 8 to more like around 12, for the summer anyway.
-- we have a couple of family reunions to survive. But no "big trip" planned which always makes me sad.
-- Ah the movies this summer look crazy! I'm afraid I'll be spending all my money on those instead of books!

I guess we'll see how it goes. I hope it's a good summer!


  1. You have a good plan for the summer. My vacations are halfway through and I am yet to do anything substantial!

    Here is my Sunday Salon post!

  2. Just a word from one mom to another: it's not all your responsibility.... Just my two cents.

    Hope you get a lot of lovely reading time this summer.

  3. Wow did you accomplish a lot this week! I had all I could do just to get ready for a graduation! My house in the same boat with #2 needing a job and #3 needing a learners permit.

  4. We've got drivers training and and an Eagle project upon us too! I hope we get some R&R in this summer, though. Hope your summer's great!

  5. Good plans! I'm really looking forward to summer reading, although I'm a little worried my number of books read will go down because of all the fun summer things to do. Oh well :)

  6. That does it: I'm NOT going to see the new Robin Hood. (The only Robin Hood is Jonas Armstrong; what's the point.) I hope you have a good summer!

  7. Gautami, I think my summer vacation will end up quite unsubstantial too.

    Readerbuzz, thanks for the advice! I wish I could actually take it to heart and let everyone worry about their own stress!

    Lisa, how's it coming with your job search and learner's? My kid applied at many places yesterday, and today, we're off to the DMV! Wish us luck! :)

    Shelley, do you have something pinned down for the Eagle project? Any great ideas to throw my way?

    Kim, mine tend to go up... usually. I guess we'll see!

    Melissa, GO GO! Just so I can hear what YOU think! But still, Jonas, I love him. Seriously perfect.

  8. I loved Jonas Armstrong as Robin too. Good luck to us all with our summer reading...with work and kids I'm finding even two books a week tough to keep up with!
