Monday, May 17, 2010

Review: Need by Carrie Jones

Book: Need by Carrie Jones
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: A-
For: Fun
From: Borrowed from Jenny

This book is simply another take on the whole teenage paranormal ride. In this installment, we have a girl whose dad (well, step dad) has just died and she isn't doing so well with it, so her mom sends her to live with her grandma (well, step grandma) in Maine, which, I guess, is kind of a scary place. For one thing, there
s this guy who keeps popping up out of nowhere, stares her down or points at her, then disappears. (Hate it when that happens! CREEPY!) So there's that mystery to solve.

Then at school, she is instantly popular and has a couple of interesting guys hanging around, so she needs to figure that out too. Basically, in this book,  nearly everyone is not what or who they appear to be.

I had fun with it. I especially enjoyed the witty banter and snappy conversation. Also, things were just different enough to be interesting and keep me turning the pages. I understand that the second book, Captivate, may be even better, so I've got that one borrowed and ready to read any day now.

Bottom line: It was fun.

Carrie Jones website.

Other reviews:

The Story Siren
One Librarian's Book Reviews
Queen of Happy Endings
My Favourite Books

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, The Wormhole
    I seem to say Good Gravy a lot, and I don't know what an Amazing Race cowboy fan is. Have a great Monday!
