Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Dream Panel at BEA: My Favorite YA Dudes

If I were organizing a panel at BEA I would include:

Markus Zusak (hello! Is this a surprise to anyone? Of course he's #1 on my dream panel list!)
John Green (I could look at and listen to him for a long, long, long time!)
Neal Shusterman (a new favorite author who I can only imagine must be just as fun in real life)
Scott Westerfeld (he writes very cool books, so does he also have very cool things to say?)
James Dashner (so okay, I've heard him a million (or so) times now, but I'd love to see him up against these guys!)

This panel would be called:


Questions I would ask them:

1. How in the heck do you guys do it? That thing you do with words? Were you born that way? (Ha, they would  HATE this question and roll their eyes big time.)

2. What is your writing ritual? (If you don't have one, feel free to make one up.)

3. Plug your next book, tell us what to expect, give us a little teaser.(Or read from it even.) And what do you have planned down the road, what should we expect in the future? (And how can we get the ARCs!! )

4. What are you like in real life? What do your non-bookish, non-author activities include? (This is the stalker question.)

5. So, like, where do you get your ideas?!?! (We have to throw this one in because otherwise, the dudes would be so disappointed if no one asked it.)

6. What do you like to read? What are some of your favorite books and authors? (I seriously hope authors have answers to this kind of question, because that's just sad if authors don't find time to read.)

7. For this last question, I'd like everyone else to shut up be quiet and let's all just listen to Markus Zusak talk now.... about anything.... for as long as he wants.... 1, 2, 3, GO.

I would so be there! And please let me have the guts to go talk to them all afterwards!

Who would be on your dream panel?


  1. Great list. I'm going to check out the authors I haven't read since you have some of my favorites on there.

  2. Yes, yes, YES! That would be a great panel! I would go for Zusak and Green alone, the others are just bonus! Love it!

  3. What? No Neil Gaiman?! I'm disappointed. :") Great panel.

  4. From the looks of them, they don't even need to talk. ;)

  5. What an awesome panel! I'd love to see Dashner with those guys too :)

  6. I totally agree with all of them. And I'm so with you on Markus Zusak just talking about anything, anything at all; he could read his grocery list for all I care. "Sigh" Obviously this is Jenny.

  7. That sounds like an awesome panel! (With a great name lol)

    I don't know who I'd put together... there are so many authors I'd love to hear from that I don't think I could narrow it down!!

  8. Avid Reader: Yes, I bet you'll love them all!

    Heather: I agree.

    Emily: I haven't totally fallen in love with Neil yet... but I could go for looking at and listening to him EASY. :)

    Chris: A panel where we just look at them? Nice idea!

    Melissa: I think we'd find that he (Dashner) would hold his own!

    Jenny: Sigh is right!

    Britt: Yes, I could come up with another one or two dream panels easy.

  9. Great choices! If I were forming a panel it would probably be Quirky Southern Women Writers including Joshlyn Jackson, Sarah Addison Allen, and some other well chosen awesome ladies. I'm so into these kinds of books lately. Comfort reads for me.

  10. oh yeah, i'd listen to your panel! john green would be a hoot!

  11. Is it a coincidence that all the guys on your list are good looking?

  12. Markus Zusak! I love him! I have Looking For Alaska here but haven't read it yet. If you're including John Green next to Zusak, it sounds like I'd better get on it soon! I love the name of your panel!

  13. vvb: John Green would be a blast.

    Callista: What? They are? :)

    Jen: Yeah, it appears I have a major Markus Zusak thing happening. It's been going on for awhile now....

  14. LOL!! I take you would recommend that I read some Zusak??? :)

  15. Wow, since they are all so good looking I think that would be my dream panel, too! The fact that they write good books is definitely a bonus, though.

  16. YES! YES! YES! I would LOVE to see this panel. Markus Zusak and John Green! I'm there!
