Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekly Geeks 2010.08: THAT Author!

The Weekly Geeks questions of the week are about our favorite authors. Here's the questions, with my not-so-great answers:

Tell your readers what is it about "an" author that you are most passionate about, that have you coming back for more from them, following their every blog post – literally blackmailing people to read their books?

Many of you know that I love to sing the praises of Markus Zusak. I'm blown away by his style of writing. It's not just The Book Thief (with Death narrating, and a deep hard subject) but his other books too. I still don't think I've ever read a book by someone who can manipulate words like he can. It's insane! For some people, it may be just a bit too strange and different, but for me, I love it. I would stalk him if he'd only be more "internet available" but he seems to be really quiet out here in the cyberspace. I do know that he's working on another book, which is taking forever. But I think that's just how works, slowly but surely. It's going to be so worth it though! 

Who are some of your all time favourite authors?

There's so many that I love. I will list a few, but I need categories:

Old, dead authors that I love: Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, the Bronte sisters, Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, J.R.R. Tolkien, George Eliot, Wilkie Collins (I'm afraid this category could be endless....)

Established and still alive authors: Orson Scott Card, Robin McKinley, J.K. Rowling, (hmmm... interesting, I'm finding that this category is not jumping out at me... normally people might put Stephen King and Neil Gaiman, etc. here, but I'm not ready to consider them my favorites yet! So who am I forgetting???)

New (ish... like last few years or so), up and coming authors: John Green, Shannon Hale, Sarah Dessen, Angela Morrison, Brandon Sanderson, James Dashner, Stephenie Meyer, Suzanne Collins, Maureen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld, Janette Ralison  (This is fun list, and I could also go on and on with it.)

Those I've only read one book of, but am looking forward to more: David Wroblewski, Johanna Moran, Sydney Salter, Melina Marchetta, Jamie Ford, Rebecca Stead, Patrick Ness (This is just a start and "off the top of my head" list... I KNOW I'm forgetting many I will wish I'd included.)

And what is it about them that makes you keep going back for more?

- They write amazing stories-- creative and imaginative.
- They have a style that I find fascinating one way or another, whether it be beautiful prose with awesome description, or a simple, yet engaging way with words.
- They develop characters that I care about, fall in love with, relate too, or even perhaps can't stand!
- They have the ability to grab my emotions and draw me into a story to the point I feel a part of it.

If you had to name just one, who would you say is your very most favorite author?


  1. Everything I go to the bookstore, I look for Zusak's I Am the Messenger but never see it. I will probably have to break down and get it online.

    I love several of the authors you mention: Jane Austen and J.R.R. Tolkien among them. I can't really say I have a overall favorite author though. There are just so many whose work I like.

  2. I loved loved The Book Thief!! Silly me , I didnt know he had other books. I must check into that.

  3. My "one" favorite author always changes, depending on what I'm reading at the time. Right now, it's Suzanne Collins. For a while, I was obsessed with rewritten fairy tales and I loved Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted) and Robin McKinley. So I'd still say they're some of my favorites.
    I also enjoy Brandon Mull (Fablehaven), Carol Lynch Williams (The Chosen One), J.K. Rowling...

  4. Literary Feline: Strange your bookstore doesn't have I Am the Messenger. I just bought one here at our Borders for our book swap at the recent blogger party. I hope you find it soon. I'd love to read what you think of it.

    Laura: Yes, he does. I Am The Messenger won the Printz honor. And a couple others that are good, but not near as deep as these to "famous" ones.

    Karen: I'm the same way actually...

  5. I love questions like these when bloggers answer because I feel like it tells us so much about your true reading desires - it's like hitting shuffle on an Ipod. I loved your list! For me, I always check to see if Marian Keyes has a new book but I have so many favorite authors and i agreed with many of yours!

  6. Just one? I love so many, but if I'm pinned down to just one, it would have to be Marilynne Robinson. I love all her books, but she tops my list because of one book: "Housekeeping"

  7. I am with you 100% on Marcus Zusak...what an amazing talent. His novel The Book Thief is still number one on my most favorite books of all time. And the best part? He is young...so I imagine he has even more great books ahead of him!

  8. It's hard to pick a favorite but I guess the one who I could read over and over is J.K. Rowling. I'm feeling the same way right now about Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series but I haven't read anything else by her.

  9. Suey - The local Barnes and Noble finally got in a copy of I Am Messenger, which I quickly scooped up. Now to find the time to read it . . .
