Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Sunday Salon: Wrapping up the Week

I spent most of the past week finishing up The Sparrow, a book that I'm reading along with Florinda, Heather, and Rebecca... among others. I think the idea is that sometime this week we'll respond to some questions from Heather, and then later on this month, we'll all post a review. In the meantime, my thoughts on this book: wow, heartbreaking, difficult, fascinating, funny, scary, powerful.......

I needed something light after that book, so I read I Kissed a Zombie, and I Liked It. Can't get much lighter than that! It was a complete satire on all the teen paranormal books. Very funny. Total and extreme fluff. And can I just say again, I am not a zombie girl! Ew.

Once I finished that I felt ready to jump into book two of the Wheel of Time series, The Great Hunt, which is what I'm spending most of my weekend reading so far. Lovely stuff. Ah Rand... I'm just loving him to pieces right now!

The treadmill book continues to be Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. Very interesting so far. Very interesting.

Meanwhile, I got an ARC from Janette Rallison that I'm anxious to get to. I was so very excited to see that show up on my porch! And I went out on Friday to buy The Thief (and sequels) but was unsuccessful and came home with Little Bee and The Last Song instead! Thanks to Angie and Melissa I've been requesting books like crazy from PaperbackSwap this week too. The Ivy Tree came, and also on it's way is Lady of the Forest. Hopefully on it's way soon is Daughter of the Forest (no relation!)

In other news, I took the girls to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday. Now there's a book I shoud probably add to the stack! But the movie was fun and I really enjoyed it. Johnny Depp was great, although I would really like to see a movie with him "normal" again, as in, not so dressed up and decorated.... like he was in Chocolat for example. Just sayin.

Coming up this week... guest posts from the family! The Mr. (who I may start calling Stuey from now on.... yes we got our nicknames back in college... Stuey and Suey... I know...too sickishly sweet) read  a book sent to me for review, and I've also asked Toto (newly 11 years old) to review a book we bought at the Authorpalooza last month. I'm excited!

Also this week, it's my blogiversary! I decided to have a reader survey as part of that "celebration" so I hope you come back on Tuesday and take part. Please? :)

Oh, book club is this week too! We'll be discussing Rebecca and I'm not quite sure what to expect any more these days. My fellow book clubbers are always surprising me. So, I'll let you know how that turns out.

So, I guess that's it for my weekly wrap up and looking ahead a bit too.

Now I'm off to root for those cool cowboys in Amazing Race!


  1. Ooh, Rebecca is such a good book!

    I loved the Alice movie, but really hated the book. They're very different.

    I need to see Chocolat...

  2. Loved Alice book...haven't seen the movie. Not sure if I am going to see the movie. I rarely like the movie made from the book.

  3. It's my Blogiversary this week too, and also Word Lily's. Looks like the Ides of March is a good time to start a blog :-).

    I'm looking forward to your thoughts on The Sparrow. So glad you joined us in the Read-Along! It really is quite a novel, isn't it?

  4. I'm so glad that you are enjoying THE SPARROW. It is a difficult book to read, but well worth it IMO.

    I didn't start watching Amazing Race this season, and it's the first time I've missed the show since it came on. But I've been getting more and more disappointed with it over the past few seasons so I don't think I'm missing too much ... am I?

  5. Amanda, my daughter(senior)just came home with Alice the book. It will be interesting to see what she thinks.

    Readerbuzz: As I said to Amanda, my daughter just checked it out, so maybe I'll have to give the book a try sooner rather than later!

    Florinda: HA! I guess it is a good time to start one! Happy bloggiversary to you! :) Oh, and I'm really looking forward to Heather's Sparrow questions...

    Heather: You ARE missing the cowboys! They are really a blast. Alas, they weren't on much last night, but oh, well.
