Friday, March 19, 2010

Guest Post Review: Hashbrown Winters and the Mashimoto Madness by Frank L. Cole

Book: Hasbrown Winters and the Mashimoto Madness by Frank L. Cole
Genre: MG Humor
Rating: Toto gave this 4 stars on her Goodreads account
For: Toto read this to fulfill the "humor" square on her Booko assignment 
From: we bought it!

Today I welcome to my blog, my very own 11 year old daughter, who goes by the nickname Toto! She has been reading up a storm these past few weeks, and one of the books she recently finished is this one we bought in February at the great Auhorpalooza at Barnes and Noble. So I asked her if she'd write down what she thought of this book. Here's what she had to say:

Hashbrown Winters is about a boy named Hashbrown who gets jealous of a boy named Hi Mashimoto when he builds a tree house in his backyard along with a club, and Hashbrown already had a tree house and a club. So, when he (Hashbrown) tells Hi that his tree house has a time machine, all of his friends leave his club.

What I liked about it was that their names meant what they are like, Snow Cone loves ice, and Yeti is hairy! Also, it's hilarious! And if you do something wrong in the school, you go to the Recess Jail called Portatraz for a couple of years.

Now, I don't know about you, but I had to clarify a few points here. What I understand is that Hashbrown claimed to have a time machine, but then had to actually go build one. And that's when his friends got mad, because they didn't really want to spend the money on it, so they left Hasbown's club and defected on over to Hi's club.... I think. And so the revelry began and the competition is on! Also, there's something about the Portatraz at school that's fairly important... but I'm not sure what. But I know Toto got a kick out of that name because she is quite familiar with Alcatraz. She also, as you can see, loved the character names, and would often go on and on to me trying to explain them all. Very fun stuff!

I hope to read the book myself one day, but in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to post Toto's thoughts!

For more on author Frank Cole, check out his blog here.

Note: This is actually the second book in the series, with the first being The Adventures of Hasbrown Winters.  Opps..... we read out of order!! How dare we!


  1. This is one of my favorite guest posts! Thank you Toto! I love to see what MG thinks of MG books. :)

  2. Very cool! I'm interesting in reading this to know what is funny to her age group.

    I have also been priming my oldest to do reviews for me. I might get her on it soon!
