Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Sunday Salon: Exciting Events of the Week and We Have a Winner!

Another week of major bookish happenings for me. This month it just keeps going and going!

On Tuesday I participated in Nicole's That's How I Blog show, and actually called in to talk to her and Heather J. about The Eye of the World. Let me just say, that was scary for me. And I felt pretty much like a doofus, because we all know that brain doesn't work all that well when one is nervous, right? Anyway, it was fun.

Also, on Tuesday I did a Weekly Geek Author Fun Facts about Brandon Sanderson, and then on Saturday, I ignored all my shyness and nervousness yet again, and actually met and TALKED to him. Here's a picture to prove it. (My daughter took the picture and afterwards I said, "I did good, right? I didn't sound too silly and stupid, right?" She said, "Ummm Mom... you were kinda weird." Oh, geez. Whatever!)

And wow, what a weekend it's been! I've had so much fun going to the Science Fiction/Fantasy conference at BYU (called Life, the Universe and Everything). This is the third year I've been, but the first year that I didn't feel like I was crashing someone else's party. See, it's geared towards writers, but readers sure seem to enjoy it too, and I finally GOT that this time. There's so so much to say about all the stuff I went to and learned so I hope to sum that all up for those interested in a separate post. And hopefully soon before I forget it all.

Also at the conference, I met a "new to me" book blogger, Megan from Po(sey) Sessions. That was pretty cool too. Be sure to check out her summations of the event.

Also, we chose a new Bookword this week: A Wanderlust Novel for a book that makes you want to travel to its setting. Now we need a word for a book you've fallen in love with.

I also did an Authors Pick Five post, which I love doing. Beverly Patt choose five (or six) books she loves.

All this week I've been helping to organize our next Utah Book Blogger party. Hopefully, if you are one (a Utah book blogger) you've received an invite. If you haven't, please let me know and we'll fix that! (There's a lot, and it'll be a miracle if we don't accidentally miss someone.)

And today, I'm announcing the winner of my Sing Me To Sleep giveaway! Congratulations goes to The1stDaughter from There's A Book. Thanks to everyone who participated. I'll be having another giveaway in a week or so as part of TCL Blog Tour.

Of course, in the middle of all this excitement, I'm trying to read stuff. There's about five books or so that I'm seriously trying to read all at once. It's insane.

The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum which I picked up last week at the Authorpalooza. Loving it so far!

The Forgotten Legion by Ben Kane, reading it for a blog tour. It's been a slow start, but I'm feeling like things are picking up and I'm anxious to stick to it.

Waiting for Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk... a book everyone's been raving about, but I'm finding a bit strange. Hmmmm......

Golden by Cameron Dokey, has to be read by book club this Thursday!

The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley. I started it months ago, neglected it, and now have picked it back up because, you know, there's this Robin Hood obsession I'm currently going through!

Then, oops, somehow I came home from the library with more books, inspired by Authorpalooza last week too:

My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters by Sydney Salter
Everything Is Fine by Ann Dee Ellis
The Dragon War Relic by Berin Stephens

Maybe if I can renew these, like, five times, I'll get them read eventually.

But seriously, after the weekend's events, all I really want to read is SF and F! Bring it on!

Truly, this week, no, this month, has been All About Books! I'm so loving it!


  1. WOW - what a great bookish weekend you had! Sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. I so appreciate you calling in to talk to me - it was great chatting with you! And don't worry, I'm sure Brandon thought you were very normal ... I've seen/heard some of the people he's met! ~LOL~

  3. I'm still in shock that I won! And what a great week you had! I'm very jealous that you got to see all those wonderful authors...and you got to meet Megan! How fun!

  4. WOW...a truly bookish-heaven for you!! Lucky duck! I considered it heaven this holiday morning just staying abed and reading til I was ready to start the day. Keep us posted on your bookish jaunts, they inspire lust if nothing else!!

  5. Loved your update! I'm so glad to see you in Book Heaven! :)

  6. I've got Waiting For Columbus checked out from the library so I'm anxious to hear your final thoughts on it. Sounds like you had a really great bookish week!

  7. It's so odd that this popped into my reader so late! You were great on te show and not a doofus at all. I hope you come and chat with us again or consider being a guest on the show. It would be fun!
