Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday's Random Rambles

Stuff I'm thinking today:

** We finished Robin Hood Season Two and I'm going to be going into some serious Robin Hood/ Guy of Gisborne/the-whole-outlaw-gang withdrawals. It may be awhile before we can manage to get our hands on Season Three, so until then.... I'll just have to read about them. What about you, got any feelings one way or the other about Robin Hood?

** This weekend, I WILL finish some books! I've got several that are so so close, so I hope there's time to get some good readin' in. What books will you finish this weekend?

** We're also hoping for a chance to see The Lightning Thief since our attempt on Monday was futile. It was a little bit too popular that day I guess. Seen it? What did you think?

** No big bookish events this weekend, but NEXT weekend.... it's the Utah Book Bloggers Winter Social! Yes, I'm excited. If you are a Utah blogger, will I see you there?

** Let the concert countdown begin! Only six weeks until we get to go see both these concerts:

I'm so excited. It still feels like forever away, but it will be here before we know it! If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?

** Last night at book club we had a fun discussion on fairy tale books and the original of fairy tales, and just fairy tales in general. I decided they make quite the fascinating subject. What's your favorite fairy tale and/or fairy tale remake book?

** Just saw that all the top 24 American Idols have been set up with Twitter, My Space and Facebook accounts! Sheesh, now I need to decide who to follow and none of them are really standing out to me yet this year. Do you have a favorite American Idol at this point for this season? (I just followed Casey... reminds me of Sawyer... haven't decided about his singing yet though.)

** Well, okay. Enough of that. Happy Weekend people! Get some good reading done!


  1. I recently finished S2 of Robin Hood, too! I hated the ending! I plan to continue with S3, but I will be very sad.

  2. We're going to see Elton John and Billy Joel on Monday - I've been looking forward to it for awhile.

    Robin Hood Season 2 Spoiler alert - do not read any further if you don't know and don't want to know the ending of season 2:

    We just got season 3 from the library and are trying to fit it in with watching the Olympics. I'll have to say, it's just not the same without Marian.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have a couple of books hanging jusstttt on the edge of finished. I hope I can polish off J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey along with Laurie Perry's very funny memoir, Home is Where the Wine Is.

    I also can't wait to see The Lightning Thief!

  5. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. And though there are many great retellings of it, my absolute favorite is "Beauty" by Robin McKinley. I just may go reread it right now.

  6. I have tickets to the Buble concert too! He's going across Canada in the summer. He is the only person I would spend money to see in concert!!

  7. Aarti: Yes, the ending... yucky. But I need to keep watching just to see what happens with everyone. I'm nervous!

    Daphne: Fun concert! I saw Billy Joel years and years ago when I was in high school. It was great! Elton John would be tons of fun too, you can see along with every song I bet!

    And yes, I agree totally agree with your Robin Hood statement.

    Andi: Good luck with book finishing! I'm not doing too well so far this weekend.

    Emilee: That's my favorite too I think. Beauty is one of the ones we read for book club and I think everyone really enjoyed it.

    Nicola: Yeah for Buble! We'll have to compare notes once both our concerts are over. I'm so excited.

  8. My sons would be so jealous that you get to see Muse; they loved them for years. I'm so jealous of the Utah Book Bloggers Social! Wonder if I can get something like it stirred up around here?!

  9. Oh, LOVE Robin Hood. (Have I mentioned this before? No?) Ah, you need to join the Richard Armitage/book bloggers fan club... (shoot, we need to start one!) The third season is okay... it picks up near the end. (What did you think about the last episode of the 2nd?)

    Gush, gush, gush. :-)
