Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sing Me To Sleep Trailer and Giveaway

Finally! It's time to start promoting this book! I read Sing Me To Sleep a few months back but decided to wait until closer to it's release date to post a review. Look for that coming up very soon.

But today, in conjunction with the
Booking Through Thursday question which asks: Who's your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? I decided it was time to start letting you know about my favorite author that you probably aren't reading,yet anyway, and that is Angela Morrison.

Last year, I told you about her first book, Taken By Storm, which I absolutely loved. This year, her second novel called Sing Me To Sleep, which is just as good if not better, comes out in March. As part of that release, Angela is going on a blog tour and will be visiting my blog on February 2 with a guest post. Also as part of her tour she is giving away a copy of this amazing book.

So I would like to open this contest up right now today, here on my blog, and invite you to first, watch this book trailer for Sing Me To Sleep, and then answer this question:
What particular song or sort of music completely inspires you, makes your heart soar, and just totally brings a smile to your face?

This book is, in part, about a very famous choir in Canada called the
Amabile Young Men's Choir. In this trailer, you can hear them singing toward the end. The song is called Beth's Song, after the main character in the book. Seriously, watch to the end so you don't miss it. Isn't it beautiful!?

So, if you'd like to win a copy of this book, comment with your answer. Double entries if you post the trailer on your blog (let me know if you do.) Please remember to leave an email address also. The contest will be open until February 14, at which time I'll pick a random number, email Angela the winner's address and she will mail you a book in March when it's released. Sorry to my international friends, but she can only open the contest to my US readers.


  1. Don't enter me, since I already have a copy of the book, but I just wanted to say that I love Angela, too. I enjoyed SING a lot. Do you think it's better than TBS or not? I'm still trying to decide ...

  2. I really enjoy anything written by Coldplay. I think it is the interesting beat they play in some of their songs.


  3. Another love triangle with two boys!! Ack!! But I still want to read it. Sorry sap that I am. I think we need more love triangles written by men.

    Music. I'm gonna focus on makes me smile. So rock on BNL, They Might Be Giants, and the odd Weird Al. Oh yes.

    As an example, I can't help but laugh OUT LOUD whenever I hear this one.

    Try not to be offended. You're not that sensitive, right? :)

  4. I thought long and hard about what to answer, because I've heard so many songs and so much music in my life. But I think my answer will be: Christmas carols! I know it seems strange, but I absolutely love them (especially Bing Crosby's Jingle Bells), and they put a smile on my face. The Huron Carol just makes me feel at peace. So that's my answer!

  5. Sorry - I should have mentioned that I'm not eligible, not being a US reader, but I still wanted to share my thoughts on music!

  6. I'm interested in this book, and the question you pose (about unsung authors) made me really stop and ponder. I read so much based on what other bloggers recommend that I sometimes wonder if there's anything out there that everyone hasn't already read. I will say that I don't think Nora Raleigh Baskin gets quite the love she deserves. Although she's reasonably popular and just won an ALA award for anything but typical, I'm always blown away by her books, yet I don't hear the gush. Also, Suzanne Colasanti is starting to creep up my radar. I have one of her books under my belt and more on my wishlist.

  7. soft rock, i listen to it endlessly thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

  8. I love listening to Kenny Chesney's caribbean style music - takes me to the islands mon
    msboatgal at

  9. Almost any kind of music really. In a previous before my kids arrived, I was a music major with an emphasis on flute performance. I love music and I truly believe it has a power to move people beyond anything else. I rarely do anything without it and can't imagine not having it.

    Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to read the book and probably will regardless of whether I win. But I'd love to win it! Thanks!
    the1stdaughter at gmail dot com

  10. This looks like a really interesting book. I'm not sure how I can narrow down to one song or band or type of music, though. I feel that way when I listen to certain requiems (Braham's, Verdi's, Faure's), when I listen to my favorite band, Stiffs Inc, and when I listen to multiple other songs from other bands.


  11. what a lovely story! Please enter me!
    I recently heard Heather Masse on a few episodes of Prairie Home Companion and her voice literally made me just stop everything and I had to listen. I followed her to the band The Wailin' Jennys. Their harmonies are just awesome and I've told several friends about them and downloaded their recent CD Firecracker. I highly recommend the song "Callin All Angels"

    wlcgrad [at] yahoo [dot com}

  12. A song that always makes me smile and want to dance is "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison. That is what my husband and all call "Our Song". It reminds me of carefree and simpler times when we were first dating almost 20 years ago. Boy, time flies!!

    I would LOVE to win this book! Thanks for the chance!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  13. Every time I hear Bonnie Tyler I have to sing it. She's such a powerful singer, it's just like whoa! I posted the trailer:

  14. Wow, I love music so it's hard to say what moves me the most. I guess I'd have to say classical music! Nothing better than the masters!

    sweepyhead at gmail dot com

  15. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! My inspirational music is a little dated... I love swing music. I picture myself dancing to it (I can't dance at all) and it puts a smile on my face and in the best mood in the world. Thanks! :)

    heather y

  16. Thanks everyone for participating in my giveaway. I've just used to pull up a number and The1stDaughter is our winner! Congratulaitons! :)
