Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lists Needed For Book Club Suggestions

It's a fact, I love making lists. Peter does too. He's the guy that started a book list site called Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations, where you can find lists of lists of lists... of books! Anyway, so he is asking for bloggers (or anyone) to help come up with more fun creative lists for book club suggestions.

Here's what he says:

Open Call for Lists of Book Club Recommendations!

Hello and happy new year from Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations -- where you can find books so good, they'll keep you up past your bedtime. ;-)

It seems the book club community has recently discovered my book club recommendations. From the feedback, not only are the list very much enjoyed, but people are clamoring for more.

That's where you come in. While I've read plenty of books, I'm looking to book club members to contribute new lists -- themed, annotated lists of highly discussable books.

Can you name and describe 5+ flashlight worthy, discussable books that follow a theme? Maybe '7 Great Books that Revolve Around Food'? Or '6 Women's Memoirs That Will Start an Argument'. How About '5 Discussable Novels Set in Africa'?

Take a look at the lists I have and give it some thought. If you're interested, email me at Info AT flashlightworthy DOT com. Thanks so much and have a great new year!

(The guy who runs Flashlight Worthy)
Recommending books so good, they'll keep you up past your bedtime. ;)

So what do you think? Have any great ideas? What sort of books have got YOUR book club talking? Send him an email, or comment here, and I'll send him one! :)


  1. I have GOT to go over to his site and check out his lists...the possibilities he listed in this open call are intriguing!

  2. Oh gosh...of course I'm drawing a blank now. Peter approached me to make a list a while back, and it was about the time life exploded with baby news and whatnot, so I never got to.

    Off the top of my head one of the best book club books I ever had was Pope Joan, by Donna Woolfolk Cross--controversial and intriguing!
