Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bloggiesta Day Two Begins.... Finally

Now that the day is nearly over, I'm here to Bloggiesta some more. Are there any party-ers left, or have you all keeled over yet?

And to think I figured I'd have the whole day to blog away today!

Instead, I:

  • slept in... way in, then read The Eye of the World in bed for an hour or so
  • ate waffles
  • picked up a kid from a sleepover
  • met a stranger for a ticket sale exchange
  • popped in on my mom and dad
  • went to the Calamity Jack release party and visited with Shannon Hale and Natasha!
  • also met new blogger Heather from Fire and Ice Photo.
  • went out to dinner with my mom and dad
  • drove home

And now it's now and I need to remember what I was going to do next regarding Bloggiesta!

But first, some pictures. (My husband looked so official with is camera today that The King's English people asked him if he could send them some of his pictures since their camera died! )

Shannon and her husband Dean, and their illustrator extraordinaire, Nathan.

The above three pictures are Shannon and Dean demonstrating what it's like to collaborate together, like a fiin-tuned ice skating routine! They were hillarious!

Me, JJ and Toto getting our books signed.


  1. The launch party looks like a blast. :)

  2. So, I just BARELY got my photos and video downloaded off of my camera and I thought I was doing great! And here you've got them posted already. Just showed my husband the dancing routine and I laughed through the whole thing again.

  3. I told my husband as soon as we walked in the door, "put those pictures on RIGHT NOW, 'cause I gotta blog about it RIGHT NOW." It still took us a few hours, because I started doing some bloggiesta tasks.

  4. It sounds like you had a fun day! Hope you're getting some work done on your blog now!

  5. Dang, I can't believe I missed that dancing routine! That looks like so much fun.

  6. I didn't get much done Saturday either. Kids had swimming lessons and then a birthday party for my daughter. When it was over I was too tired to do much else.

    I'd love to meet you and Natasha (and any other book blogger for that matter) But closest blogger to me I've met is a few hours away and I don't have a car.

  7. I was really busy on Saturday too - I hosted a dinner party. Today is when I'll really be getting the bulk of my Blogiesta list marked off...well hopefully! Good luck!

  8. What fun! I really need to get in on more of these local events. Good luck bloggiesta-ing!

  9. That sounds like lots of fun. I think I have about keeled over from attempting to finish my goals!

  10. That sounds like lots of fun. I think I have about keeled over from attempting to finish my goals!

  11. That sounds like lots of fun. I think I have about keeled over from attempting to finish my goals!

  12. That sounds like lots of fun. I think I have about keeled over from attempting to finish my goals!

  13. It was so fun to meet you...can't wait until we all get together again!
