Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009.43: Favorite Books Published in 2009

It's time for the Weekly Geeks "Best Books of 2009" list! This means we make suggestions on our blogs and then the Weekly Geek team will compile the lists and come up with one big list of books, published this year, that bloggers found to be the very best.

My problem is that I read TONS of books not published in that current year. And in fact, sometimes I think I'm reading a "new" book but in reality it's several years old or something. Anyway, to the best of my knowledge and with a bit of research, here are the books I liked the best from what I read of 2009 books:

1. Wings by Aprilynne Pike: YA Fantasy
2. Just One Wish by Jannette Rallison: YA
3. Beach Trip by Cathy Holton: General Literary Fiction
4. Homer and Langley by E.L. Doctorow: Historical Fiction
5. The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith: YA
6. Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunnant: Historical Fiction
7. The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon: Paranormal/Thriller
8. The Maze Runner by James Dashner: YA Science Fiction
9. Black Angels by Linda Beatrice Brown: YA Historical Fiction
10. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford: Historical Fiction

Wow. There's more than I thought! Anyway, stay tuned for my list of favorites from everything I read this year, coming up in about month. Ah, I love that year end book number crunching business!


  1. I see three of four books on your list that are on my TBR list. My list is here.

  2. I guess I should be thinking about what my favourite reads are...

  3. Ahh.. I'm not read for best of the year lists yet :(

  4. Hmm, I've read 4 of the books on your list, but I'm not sure if any of them would make mine. They were good, but not my favorites. Not that I have any idea what my top 10 books published this year would be, but I think I need a couple more weeks before I'm ready to do a 'best of' list.

  5. Just One Wish *almost* made my top ten, and I haven't read Maze Runner (yet) or Black Angels (on my Cybils pile). That's the problem with doing one's Top 10 before the end of the year, huh?

    I wonder why it is that we only read YA books new, and not adult?? Curious.

  6. I'm glad to see Angel's Game ranked so high. I seem to have only read reviews by people who were disappointed in it. NOw I want to read it all the more! ANd The Maze Runner - definitely on my tbr.

  7. I don't normally read new releases. I think this year is a record for me. I don't know a single title on your list. And that's the fun of checking out memes like this. Thanks.
