Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Review: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

Book: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

Genre: Paranormal

Rating: A-

For: Fun

I put it on hold at the library. It became available, so I brought it home. There was no time to read it. Then it was due. THEN I decided I was NOT taking it back until I'd read it. So suddenly, I found time and read it! Funny how that happens. And now I have a little overdue fine at the library.

If seen a lot of mixed reviews for this book, so I was curious how I'd feel about it. First of all, it did not wow me like A Time Traveler's Wife did, but yet, it was still very unique and interesting and engaging. A very strange book though, but fun anyway.

It's about two sets of twins. One of the twins in the older set dies in the first chapter. In her will, she gives her apartment in England to the other set, who are her American nieces, with the stipulation that they come live there for a year.

The book is mostly about the younger set of twins, and their strange and odd behavior. They are very dependent on one another. So the book is about how they end up dealing with that, rebelling a little perhaps and the relationships they make in their new environment.

My favorite part of this whole book was by far the descriptions and the little tours we are taken on of London. I spent all of a weekend there years ago and still, I was able to picture the city as the twins discovered all its treasures. And then there's the Highgate Cemetery, which is basically a character in the book in it's own right. This place sounds fascinating, and let's just say that if I ever get a chance to go to London again, it will be on the top of my list of places to see.

From some of the reviews I've read, I expected this book to be scarier. It wasn't scary at all for me, not even really creepy, but it was disturbing in parts. And the end is more than strange.

Other reviews:


  1. I have done that so many times with a library book. Wait till the last minute and decide to read it (no matter the fines)
    I dont think I will read this book. I thought The Time Traveler's wife was dirty. Did this one have alot of swear words?

  2. Laura: I should have mentioned that... hardly ANY swearing compared to Time Traveler's, which, I totally agree, was way too much in that book. And I did notice that this one was much much better.

  3. Hmmm that may change my mind. Thanks for telling me.

  4. I love that photo. I'm not sure I've ever been to Highgate Cemetery. I really should go, but maybe after I've read the book?

    I really, really hate that cover of the book.

  5. I've still never read Time Traveler's Wife. I think I'm still 50th in line at the library...

  6. I think part of the appeal for me is that it wasn't too creepy. :) The ending is really bizarre though.
