Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weekly Geek Recommendations Wrap Up

These are the books my readers recommended to me when I asked for a book that had it all! I know, it's kind of a tough request, but still, they've come up with this list. Cool that I've never read, or even heard of any of them except The Thirteenth Tale.

Those Who Hunt the Night by Barbara Hambly recommended by Megan

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield recommended by Puss Reboots

The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E, Feist recommended by Julie

Freedom & Necessity by Steven Brust recommended by Anastasia

Just Say Yes by Betina Krahn recommended by Gautami Tripathy

The Eight by Katherine Neville recommended by Melydia

Consider them all added to my TBR!


  1. I haven't heard of any of them except The Thirteenth Tale either. I'll have to watch for them.

    P.S. I'm not quite finished, but Her Fearful Symmetry is reminding me a lot of The Thirteenth Tale.

  2. I've only read Just Say Yes. Gotta write these down!
