Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Sunday Salon: Overwhelmed

Sometimes, I bite off more than I can chew. I'm guessing many of you know the feeling. Here's a list of books that need reading right now.... because they all have reasons to be first in the pile.

The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafron: because I started it for RIP IV, and now I'm very into it and need to keep right on reading.... now.

A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander: because I borrowed it from a co-worker and I should read it now and then return it.

The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Vol. 2 by M.T.Anderson: because it's due at the library soon, and I really need to read it now and learn what happens to Octavian.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: because it's my book club book for the month, and I really really want to re-read it now in time for our meeting.

All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn: because it's a book fair book and also the Principal's book club book for the month and so I should read it now since book fair is this week.

Black Angels by Linda Beatrice Brown: because it came in the mail, overnight, and I'm hearing such wonderful things about that I need to read it now.

Farworld: Land Keep by J. Scott Savage: because it comes out very very soon, and since we ended up with an ARC of sorts, I need to read it now and review soon.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner: because it comes out this week and so I need to read it now (as soon as I get a hold of one anyway) so I don't have to avoid all the reviews everyone will be putting up (or already posted.)

Often I read more than one book at a time, BUT not this many! And so, that overwhelming feeling sets in. So what do I do? What do YOU do when you decide there's a pile of books that all have reasons to be read right now?

P.S. Don't forget to vote for the new Bookword!


  1. I know that feeling well, Suey, so I can completely empathize. It doesn't help that I tend to read one book at a time more often than not either. Mostly the books that "must be read right now" are books I've committed to reading. I never seem to be able to keep up. I keep reminding myself that it's okay. I'm out there to enjoy the books, not inhale them.

  2. I've only read Kite Runner from your list, but I loved it. I have stacks too, and don't know where to start...frustrating :)

  3. Oh, my...that's a lot of right now books. Um, at that point, I'd drop the reread or just skim it, then look at the dates logically, and pick the shortest book at the closest date first, and...and so on. Yeah. I'd be in a panic, honestly. :D Good luck.

  4. LOL! That is a lot of books to want to be reading RIGHT NOW :) Not sure if I have any advice on this one but I do know the feeling. Usually though I am agonizing over which library I want to read more before they are due back.

  5. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, too! Actually, my blog post today was sort of about that!

  6. I hide under my bed and feel overwhelmed!

    Okay, no, seriously: I look at the "due dates," I look at how quickly I can read each book, then I pick one and hope for the best. I'm feeling a bit pressured at the moment, too, since I somehow racked up a few review books that really should get read and reviewed this month, but I've got all these library books due and two reading challenges ending that need a few more entries, and and and! Eek!

  7. I was going through the Sunday Salon posts and had to come comment on yours because both our themes were "biting off more than I can chew." How funny! I know exactly what you mean about being overwhelmed with books. But, on a positive note, even if you don't meet all your deadlines, the books will still be there :-)

  8. That is an impressive list.

    My list is dictated by what's due first and whether or not it can be renewed. :D

  9. I am HORRIBLE at putting priorities on books. I'm constantly starting something new before finishing something old. Hopefully I'd be able to at least do the book club ones in time, but as I'm not in any book clubs, it's easy.
