Friday, October 9, 2009

Review: The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Book: The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Genre: Literary Fiction bordering on horror I suppose

Rating: A

I've been wanting to read this one since people first started reviewing/talking about it before it even came out. That's because I loved the author's other book, The Shadow of the Wind, a whole lot. Perfect mix of creepy, literary, mystery and romance.

So, this one is similar, with a whole lot MORE creepy thrown in. In fact, I'd say it borders on the horror genre. What makes a horror book a horror book anyway? Somebody explain. Because if this book were a movie, let me just say, I'd be hiding my eyes and jumping out of my skin many many times!

It's about this kid who wants to be an author and through the mentoring of a couple of nurturing guys in his life, his dream comes true. Sort of. But then things get a bit complicated and aren't working out quite as he'd like, and to help "fix" it, he makes a bargain with a mystery dude who defines the word creepy.

It's then that things start getting worse, instead of better. He begins to discover stuff that point to the situation not ending well for him. And it goes on from there.

This story has several "haunted" houses, many shady characters, lots and lots of dead bodies, and those ever wonderful unexpected "jump out at you" moments. I loved it. Perfect for the RIP challenge and for fall/ Halloween reading.

Other reviews:

Word Lily

Pages Turned

The Book Lady's Blog

1 More Chapter


Thoughts of Joy


  1. I've got Shadow on my shelf - I didn't realize it was a creepy book! That makes me all the more happy to have it. :D

  2. I haven't yet read Shadows of the Wind, but I do want to read that as well as this one. This one is getting mixed reviews, I've noticed. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  3. Oooo, it has haunted houses? I'm so reading this one.

  4. Suey...I was so glad to read your favorable review. Some people did not like this so I've been putting it on the back burner. I'll reconsider now; thanks

  5. I think I'm read Shadow of the Wind for RIP, but this one sounds good too! I'm adding it to my TBR list.

  6. I read one chapter of Shadow before returning to the books I need to finish for my after-school book clubs.

    I know it's waiting there for me :).

  7. Hmm, I hadn't thought of this as bordering on horror, but I suppose you're right. It certainly is a lot scarier than "Shadow of the Wind."

  8. I have to say that I loved this author's writing style, but I didn't care for the story all that much. It's my understanding that The Shadow of the Wind is better. ??? It's wonderful to see that you thoroughly enjoyed this one, though.

    Thanks for the link, Suey!

  9. Sounds like a good book, but some people have had a hard time getting into it...did you?
