Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: Sixth Update

Well, this first readathon experience will shortly be wrapping up for me. Maybe one more update after this one and I'll be done!

Thanks for all the comments on the last update! Wow. My all time comment record! It took me awhile to realize I was the "reader of the hour" so that was funny! But thank you to everyone!

And now my update:

What I'm reading now: The Seer of Shadows by Avi... nearly done.

Did I finish anything since last update: not quite

How many pages read since last update: 153

How many pages total: 683

How many hours/minutes read since last update: 3 hours, with lots of stops and starts

How many hours/minutes total: 10 perhaps?

What the family is reading: Toto finished both The Lightning Thief and Wimpy Kid #4 since last update. She has now moved on to Boys are Dogs by Leslie Margolis. JJ is on page 280 of Along for the Ride. She had a major break because she doesn't WANT to finish it. She watched TV and made our pizza and treats.

What we are listening to: we got sick of classical and moved on to my "quick mix" on Pandora made up of all my favorite music

What we are eating: pizza, crispy treats, apple juice, peanut m&ms.... I feel a little sick....

Distractions: food, and this dumb computer that is being so so slow and making all my blog check in's take forever!!! Ug. BUT, I'm not really tired any more. That "can't keep my eyes open" feeling went away for the time being. I plan to read at least a couple more hours. But then sadly, I will have to go to bed for the night.

I'm about ready to do the music mini challenge... and maybe check on what else is up since I last looked.

It's been a great day.


  1. Love that your family is reading with you! Great job, and happy reading!

  2. Way to go! I know I've already said it, but I think it's so great that your kids are joining in. Before you crash, stop by my blog for a mini challenge (it's a quick one, I think).

  3. I love that your kids are reading too. If I tried to include my kids I'd have to commit to reading aloud for hours on end.... ugh....

