Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: Mini-Challenge Eat to Read

A mini challenge called Eat to Read, sponsored by Beth going on this hour. She asked what snacks we are sustaining ourselves with. Funny this would come up now because my daughter JJ just came home from her big test, got her book, sat down to read and said, "Ummm... where's the cool food? Isn't there supposed to be cool food?"

I said, "We've got M&Ms, what more do we need?" She had no suggestions! So, we are snacking on candy right now, besides the M&Ms, there's carmels, candy corn and taffy. We also have a box of crackers going at the moment. Later I think Rice Krispie Squares sound yummy. We'll be ready for lunch here in a bit too.

Anyway, so no cool food going on here. Nothing healthy either. I don't do healthy! :) (Maybe an apple later... just maybe.)


  1. It a good thing I don't have any candy in the house. I would be munching on it for sure.

  2. Sounds like you have some great comfort food happening for Readathon. :-)

    I'm planning a batch of caramel popcorm later this afternoon.

    Happy Reading!

  3. Sounds like perfect readathon food

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Again with the food posts. I need a snack now....
