Friday, October 30, 2009

Randomness Takes Over

Time for some randomness I'm thinking.....

** I have two kids dressing up today and one who refuses. But that's okay by me. And I have double the candy because I bought more for The Mr.'s work trick or treating that they normally do, but they aren't this year. Just what I need, more candy. Halloween isn't my favorite. Are you a fan?

** Going to work a little late this morning so I can go to school for the Halloween parade. Second to last time for this ritual. Weird. Do you have a school Halloween parade tradition?

** Can't decide what book to read. Started to different ones yesterday. Fallen quite grabbed me. I think I'll stick with it. Did you get Fallen to review and are you reading it soon?

** Took the day off yesterday from all responsibility... for the most part anyway. It felt good, strange, but good. What's your feeling on lazy days?

** Hey, look at this! Josh vlogged! And teased about his new album and website too. It's been three years. I'm so ready. Are you sick of my Josh talk yet? (Hopefully not because it's going to get worse as this new album approaches!)

** I think we should have a readathon every Saturday! :) Anyone with me?!

** I got a new niece this week! I've lost track how many that is now... lots. How many nieces and nephews do you have?

** Heard my first Christmas ad on the radio yesterday. TV one too, but I fast forwarded. Ick. Are you ready for Christmas? Got the shopping done? Or do you wait until Dec. 20?

** Watched lots of TV last night. FlashForward live... and then Vampire Diaries later. Intense shows! What do you think? Did we get a glimpse of a teeny tiny bit of good in Damon last night?

**Survived a the church Halloween party I was in charge of. Now time to worry about the Christmas one. Any ideas for a great party for a huge crowd?

Okay. Randomness over!


  1. That was random. Halloween is not my favorite, but my husband adores it!

  2. I did receive Fallen this week - but haven't picked it up yet. I started Hush, Hush, which I think is a similar premise, last night.

  3. LOL, I love randomness! I haven't gotten to see the new Vamp Diaries episode yet, but it's on tap for tonight when the kiddos head off to bed. I love me some Damon, though Stefan and Elena bore me on screen (totally unlike the books).

  4. My kids are obsessed with Halloween, so I've gotten more into it. I'm not in charge though. That would be the preschooler.

    Kids aren't in school yet, so we haven't gotten to the school parade idea. Though my brother did get "dress coded" for his costume yesterday. Which made little, if any sense.

    Haven't read Fallen, no review copy for me. Curious to see your review though.

    Lazy days are good. I'm a big fan. As a result, I take too many. :D

    Not sick of Josh talk. Need to watch the dvd of his concert again...

    Readathon every Saturday? I'm so there. Oh wait, I'm booked every Saturday between now and .... Dec. 12th. Sigh.

    No nieces, no nephews... on either side. My kids'll be the only grandkids for a long time...

    I have most of my Christmas shopping done. It's the handmade gifts that I need to get in gear on...

    Hmm, no comment since I don't watch either show...

    Wow, I wouldn't ever want to be activities chair. Yikes. Being on the committee was bad enough. Good luck with that.

    I will now end what could be the longest comment ever...

  5. It's Random Friday!

    I have 2 nieces and 4 nephews in my family, my husband's has 4 nieces and 4 nephews.

    Tomorrow is kinda up in the air for us as the Pirate is sick, but I think he's coming out of it. Today I did not dress up for work (though I could have) but I did wear black and orange.

  6. Hmmm....Lots of randommess! Halloween is NOT my favorite--I do like the fallish decorations that accompany it though. This is the first time in 26 years of motherhood for me that we have not carved pumpkins and I don't think my two remaining at home boys even noticed-age 14 and 17.

    There have never been Halloween parades at our schools. Costumes are banned! Yeah. We live on the progressive west coast. They tried to ban Christmas trees a few years back, but there was an uprising amongst the parents and that ban was dropped!

    Christmas music? I will probably start playing it on November 1st. Drives my family batty but they put up with it-- I mostly just listen to it in the car at this point.

    Christmas shopping? I haven't started and since we are going to Disneyland over the holiday week as a present to my boys, I don't have that much to do. I will buy for my parents, my daughter and her husband and their soon to be born daughter! My oldest son is in China, so since we can't really send him packages we will probably drop some cash into his bank account. We don't exchange with my sister and her wacky husband-but oh, I do need to buy something for my Grandma Hattie. She is 91 and frugal as the day is long so I usually give a basket of treats.

    Read-athon every week? Well maybe not every week but I wish it was more often than every 6 months. But maybe if it was more frequent it wouldn't be as exciting!
