Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Sunday Salon: A List of Currently Readings

We've got a lovely Sunday afternoon going on here. We've opened up all the windows and doors and are letting the nicest cool breeze blow through the whole house. Is fall coming? I think so!

Here's what I'm reading today:

A Poisoned Season by Tasha Alexander: I grabbed it from the library Friday, and have to take it back tomorrow, because someone else has it on hold which means it's unethical for me, a library staff person, to have it out! So, I've been reading that all weekend, and since this is the series we'll be discussing at book club on Thursday, it would be nice if I had more than one of the books read before then. Maybe I'll even get book 3 read by then too. But I highly doubt it.

Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunant: An ARC I got awhile back, but finally decide to give it a try. It's slow going, interesting, but slow. I think I'll stick with it though.

Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell: The buddy-type read with a handful of us organized by Heather J. that I mentioned previously. I didn't realize how short this book is. Most of the pages in my edition are introduction and appendixes. If I can just give it some attention, I should have it done in no time.

Alex by James Patterson: Another library book that needs some attention. My idea was to stick it on the treadmill and start reading/walking again. So far, it hasn't worked. But I'm holding out hope.

Hollywood is Like High School With Money by Zoey Dean: A book I won from Amanda at The Zen Leaf, and when it arrived this week, I had to at least read the first few pages. Now I just want to read it and drop all other books.

What ELSE I want to be reading:

Drood by Dan Simmons: Because I started it awhile back, then dropped it in favor of all the above. I want to keep it going for RIP IV.

The Angels' Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafron: Because I just got it in the mail from Amazon, and I so want to see if I agree with what everyone else has been saying about it. Plus it would count for RIP IV too.

A ton of books for book fair preparation. Even if I'm not doing the book talks, I like to read what Scholastic is promoting this time around.

What the Family is Reading:

The Mr. : Drood by Dan Simmons.... he LOVES Wilkie Collins, so I let him take this book over for now to see what he thinks.

JJ: Just finished Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger for school, and is now working on Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. But is very distracted by my ARC for Sing Me To Sleep by Angela Morrison, that's sitting here in her face.

Moder: Just finished The Lord of the Flies by William Golding for school, and is now able to concentrate more on Farworld: Land Keep by J. Scott Savage.

Toto: Just finished Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh... and so now I'm letting her read yet another Pendragon book.

I look forward to all the blogging activity this next week as part of the BBAW! I hope everyone has fun participating. And now I'm going to go begin preparing a couple of posts for that very event!

Also, remember to enter my BBAW giveaway for Taken by Storm. You will love it!


  1. I've got Hollywood is Like High School with Money. Should I dig for it and give it a go? Sounds like you're having fun with it.

    I love the way you included your family's reads. I've thought about doing that with my son (hubby's dyslexic and a very slow reader, so it would be boring mentioning his reads) but he reads so fast that I can't keep up with him. It's not unusual for me to hand him a book and the next day he hands it back, finished. I wish I could read that fast!

  2. I'm glad your Hollywood book is intriguing. :)

    I want to read some more Collins and Dickens before reading Drood. I must admit the size of that thing scares me to death!

  3. Oh ,yes, Cranford is a nice and a really not too long story. I loved it.
    And it's interesting what you write about Sarah Dunant's book. Althrough I've read only The Birth of Venus by her, but I could read it easy and quite qickly.

    Happy reading!


    (and this is my TSS post of this weekend)

  4. This is the second mention I have seen today of Hollywood is Like High School with Money.

  5. I love Tasha Alexander. I just reread all three in anticipation of Tears of Pearl!

  6. If you liked Harriet the Spy, be sure to check out Shelf Discovery–there’s a whole chapter devoted to it. Lizzie Skurnick, the author, is being interviewed tomorrow by Nancy Pearl.
