Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Book Club Voting List

Here's what my F2F book club is voting on this week with the hope to find five books to add to our schedule January through May:

Book Club Set Possibilities

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett

The Guernsey Literary....etc. etc. by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Rebecca by Daphne duMaurier

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

New Book Possibilities

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

A Misc. Idea
A Fairy Tale Book Month were we read all or a combination of the following then contrast and compare:

Beauty by Robin McKinley (Beauty and the Beast retelling)
Beastly by Alex Flinn (Beauty and the Beast retelling)
Zel by Donna Jo Napoli (Rapunzel retelling)
Golden by Camron Dokey (Rapanzel retelling)

Hmmm.... I'm noticing that we didn't add any non-fiction to our possibilities this year. We usually have one or two at least.

I'm curious to know if you were part of the book club and could have three choices, what would they be?

Hopefully we'll have this all squared away in a week, with a complete and full schedule all planned. Fun!


  1. My choices would be:

    - Their Eyes
    - Guernsey
    - The Help

    I'd also be happy with Rebecca, North and South (I'm a new Gaskell fan since finding Cranford), and Bel Canto.

    My book club has done the Their Eyes and Guernsey with great success. For those who have difficulty with the dialect in Their Eyes, the audio book is fabulous.

  2. My votes, Bel Canto. I have always wanted to read this. I have read Their eyes were watching God and it is a very difficult read. For second one, The Help. For third, Her Fearful Symmetry. Of course, I have read Rebecca many times and never mind reading it again.

  3. I would pick Bel Canto, North and South, and Beauty. They are all on my TBR!

  4. My book club read Bel Canto and while I enjoyed it, no one else in the club did. Just a thought.

  5. Great choices!

    Between my two book clubs, I've already read and discussed Bel Canto and Guernsey Literary...

    Bel Canto was good, Guernsey was great. I have The Help coming up soon as well.

    I like the idea of reading Rebecca, I might suggest that for our next round of choices.

    I'd definitely vote for the fairy tale month, I'm not sure after that.

  6. Well, I've read 4 of them. I'd probably pick Rebecca, Beastly and The Help. (Partly because they're already on my TBR list!)

  7. Looks like several good choices. I'd pick Rebecca :)

  8. Rebecca - In my top 10 all-time favs
    North and South - GREAT book!
    The Help - It just won best book during BBAW!

  9. -Their Eyes
    -The Help
    -North and South

  10. Heather J: Thanks for the heads up on the audio for Their Eyes.

    ccq: That makes me nervous if it's hard. Oh, dear.

    Lahni: I'm worried about that very thing, that if we do pick Bel Canto, some won't like it at all.

    Looks if this bunch were the book group, we'd be reading The Help, North and South and Rebecca! :)
