Friday, September 18, 2009

BBAW: Goals and Stuff

What I like and what I'd change:

  • I like Authors Pick Five, Suey's Top Tens, and the Bookword Game. I hope to expand on them further.

  • I like the Printz Project and I want to do more with that. I also have another challenge idea that I will ponder forever before I act on it.

  • I hate my header and want to update big time.

  • By next year, I hope to still have blogging enthusiasm, and I hope even more people are reading and commenting.

That's more than 50 words, huh?

Thanks for a great BBAW everyone! Congrats to all the award winners! Check out Natasha's (Maw Books) post about creating friendships through blogging! And don't forget to enter my giveaway, today's the last day!


  1. Mine's more than 50 words too. You think BBAW will send the word count police to check? :)

    Great blog by the way.

  2. 50 words was way too small as a limit! I posted my 50 word version, waved bye, and then chatted a longer version below (in the same post of course). :D

  3. Awesome goals.

    I hadn't heard of the The Printz Project! What a perfect project for a YA librarian...

  4. Who cares if it more than 50 words? Even with my pecnant for brevity I wrote more!


    BBAW: Do I drop from the sky or touch it?

  5. Mine's more than 100 words. It's all good.

    Award for you at

  6. I'm pretty savvy with graphics so if you need any help with a new header, I would be more than happy to try to help out. Great goals. I hope I still have the enthusiasm too.

  7. I went over the 50 word limit as well, so you're not the only one!

    And why do you hate your header? I think it's a little on the large size, but I like it.

    I'm with you in hoping that I'm still enthusiastic about my blog as well, and that the comment count keeps going up! I love comments! :D

  8. You definitely have some great features here, Suey. I wish you luck in achieving your goals. :-)
