Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Authors Pick Five: David Ebershoff

David Ebershoff, author of The 19th Wife, picks these five books as those most important or influential to him:

The Odyssey (Robert Fagles translation)
Wuthering Heights
The Scarlet Letter
The Grapes of Wrath

I reviewed David's book, The 19th Wife, last year when it first came out. As part of participating in that blog tour, he also did a guest post on my blog. Recently, this book has been making a big buzz in the book world again as it has come out in paperback. If you are interested in early Mormon history, you really should read this book.

Other books that David Ebershoff has published include The Danish Girl, The Rose City and Pasadena.


  1. I'd say it's a great book even if you are not particularly interested in Mormon history – it is well written, engaging historical fiction. I really enjoyed it!

  2. The 19th Wife was such a good book, wasn't it?

    I love this feature of yours. It's fun to see what books are influential to authors. I've read the first three books on the author's list (although I'm not sure which translation of The Odyssey I actually read--whatever it was, I really enjoyed it).
