Thursday, August 6, 2009


Answering some questions about BBAW:

1) What was the highlight (something that happened, a post, an activity, etc.) of BBAW for you last year?

I went looking back, trying to remember all the stuff we did last year. Here's a wrap post of sorts that I did then listing what I enjoyed about BBAW. But, the interview was especially fun. And I simply enjoyed all the "assignments" and every day blogging activity.

2) What is one new blog you discovered during BBAW last year?

So here's the thing. I can't remember which blogs I'm reading now that were ones I discovered last year at BBAW! Except for one... I'd never heard of My Friend Amy until BBAW popped up last year. Weird huh, since she's like one of the biggest book bloggers out there!

3) What tips would you share to help others get the most out of their BBAW experience?

I think the biggest thing is to just get involved with it and spend the time to participate in the activities. That's why it's fun!


  1. Heh. I didn't know Amy either until word about BBAW started getting around last summer. It's hard to imagine that now, and I've even seen her in person a couple of times :-).

    The interviews were my favorite part of last year's BBAW too. I haven't yet heard if they're happening again this year, but I hope so!

  2. It's hard to imagine a time when we all didn't know who Amy was, isn't it?


  3. Good advise for newbies to BBAW - that's me. I hope nothing else is going on in my life that week.

  4. I am a newbie this year and I am excited to see this week come!

  5. The zombie chickens are coming. You have an award here. :)
