Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Sunday Salon: Not a Review of The Road

This weekend my book of choice was The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I just finished it minutes ago. Wow. This book was quite the contrast. I think it was a very easy book to read word-wise and length-wise.... and yet, such a hard book to read subject-wise. In fact, it was horrific in parts.

But, this is not a review post! So enough on that! But that was my reading experience this weekend so far.

I grabbed a Sarah Dessen book from the library, This Lullaby. I think I'm going to jump right into that one next. That should be a nice contrast from The Road.

Oh, I knocked off a few War and Peace pages this week too! I know. Amazing.

But my Gilmore Girls marathon is really cutting into my reading time. How to balance the two leisure activities of choice? I have no idea.

Other random Sunday thoughts:

- We hope to see Harry Potter tomorrow afternoon. We're feeling very out of the loop seeing it almost a whole week into its run!

- Yesterday it was 102 degrees at least. Not my favorite part of the summer, that's for sure.

- My daughter's friends came and raided our YA books stash! There were three of them, and they each took like 10 books! I was in a bit of a panic... and now, I really hope that we see those books again.

- We're going camping this week. Keep your fingers crossed that everything turns out fun and that there are no bears wandering around like there were a couple of years ago!


  1. I hope you enjoy Harry Potter. it seems to be getting mixed reviews, but i loved it.

  2. I recently read The Road too. Can you say you liked a book like that? I dont know. Like you said it was so horrific..... definitely not a fun happy read. Maybe the word is intriguing???

  3. I hope to read The Road before the movie comes out. That's the plan anyway. We'll see if it happens. :-)

    I know what you mean about balancing leisure activities. It can be difficult. I haven't seen but a couple of episodes of the Gilmore Girls. I've been thinking of adding it to my netflix queue.

    It was 102 where I live today too. And it's supposed to be more of the same tomorrow. I guess I should be grateful I'll be in an air conditioned office all day.

    Hubby and I saw the Harry Potter movie this morning and really liked it. I hope you will too.

    Have a fun time camping! Enjoy your week.

  4. I couldn't start another book for a day or two after reading The Road. It put me in a weird funk that I had to shake off first.

  5. I really needed a reading break after reading the road! I hope you don't have that same trouble.

  6. Now you have an excuse to get more YA books. There are so many good ones newly out or upcoming! :-)

  7. I read THE ROAD last year and totally agree with what you had to say about it. Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. I read The Road this year. Horrific and intriguing are good words for that book.
    At my house, my 3 men went to see Harry Potter. Really positive reviews came from 2 of them, and a lukewarm review came from the youngest one!

  9. I found The Road depressing, fantastically written, but immensely depressing.
