Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009.23: Reading Challenges

This week's Weekly Geeks topic was suggested by Sheri of A Novel Menagerie. She writes:

"Reading Challenges: a help or a hurt? Do you find that the reading challenges keep you organized and goal-oriented? Or, do you find that as you near the end of a challenge that you've failed because you fell short of your original goals? As a result of some reading challenges, I've picked up books that I would have otherwise never heard of or picked up; that, frankly, I have loved. Have you experienced the same with challenges? If so, which ones? Do you have favorite reading challenges?"

I like the challenges. But I don't do so well at most of them. I like to make the lists and plan ahead what I might read. But I find that I tend to read more what strikes me at the moment, a mood reader as they say, so the "planned" books get pushed down to the bottom of the pile over and over again.

Yes, some challenges will help me find books I normally wouldn't read, like the War Through the Generations Challenge. But for the most part, I join the ones that will help me read books I already own, or planned on reading anyway.

A quick look at where I stand with my current challenges:

Arthurian Challenge: So far nothing! Boy, but do I have big plans!

Classics Challenge: I've read one out of five. Wahoo! And still working on War and Peace. Really.

Book Awards II Challenge: It's all over and I managed three from my list. But I loved them all! (It appears there's a third one in process now. Hmmm.... do I try again?)

Dewey's Books Challenge: Two down, three to go. One currently at the top of my pile!

War Through the Generations: Once again, I've just read one out of five.

The 2009 TBR Challenge: Ha! Four! Out of 12. Oh, well.

The 2009 YA Books Challenge: Okay, here we go! I've read the required 12 and many more besides! :)

Support Your Local Library Challenge: I pledged to read at least 25, and at this point I've lost track. I don't think I've quite made it, but I know I'm close! I need to update my list I guess.

Printz Project: We started this one in April and since then, I haven't yet read another one to add to my list. But you guessed it...I have big plans!

Pulitzer Project: I think maybe I finished one last year?

See. Why do I even try? I like making the lists I suppose. But it appears I like reading whatever strikes my fancy even more. However, I will still have fun with the challenges and you can bet I'll keep right on joining a few here and there.


  1. I love making the lists too. I end up changing them around all the time. I try not to join any that don't allow changes.

  2. I'm also a mood reader. I can't believe you've participated in (or at least attempted - LOL) all of those challenges. Wow. I'm inspired.

  3. I haven't started the Arthurian one yet, either! Really must get around to it. You should read Mists of Avalon, if you haven't read it before, anyways! I love that book. I think I might have read two Printz books since I joined. I need to start working on that...

  4. I lost track of almost all my challenges with that whole moving and baby thing!!! I even failed one that ended in June! (I'm not really used to failing at things - suck) I gotta get going again. I've cleaned up the kitchen after dinner for two nights in a row, and have plans to actually MAKE dinner tonight....small steps to returning to normal life. Maybe book blogging too. Hope so!

  5. I simply woke up one fine morning and gave up most challenges. Except for two!

    WG: Reading Challenges
